
John Adams Biography Essay

Decent Essays

Pocahontas was born around 1595 to a Powhatan who was the leader of 30 Algonquian speaking groups and kingdoms in Tidewater Virginia, which is also known as Tsenacommacah. At a very young age, Pocahontas learned the way of life by learning how to seek for food and fire as well as constructing thatched houses.
Pocahontas was mainly known for saving the life of John Smith. John Smith and his men arrived in Virginia and ran into the Tsenacommacah Indians many times. In 1607, a Native American hunting party captured Smith and took him back to Powhatan’s home. In Smith’s journal, he stated that Pocahontas was doing everything in her power to stop the execution and even almost sacrificed her own life to save Smith. By committing such a brave and …show more content…

John Adams was born to father, John Adams Sr. and mother, Susanna Boylston. John’s father was not only a farmer but also a Congregationalist deacon and was very involved with the town council. John’s mother was born to an outstanding family in Massachusetts, the Boylstons of Brookline. Adams became very successful early in his life as he received a scholarship to Harvard University and studied law after graduating in 1755. Adams was well known for his clash against the Stamp Act of 1765 and disagreed that the Stamp Act took away the American colonists’ rights to be taxed by consent as well as tried in front of a jury. Later on in his career, Adams was asked to represent on behalf of the British soldiers that were on trial for killing the innocent lives of five people. This event was known as the popular Boston Massacre. In 1744, Adams was voted into the Massachusetts Assembly and he also became one of the five people to actually serve at the First Continental Congress. Adams was very opened about his ideas and proposed anything that he felt was necessary for the good of our nation thus Congress authorized his resolution to the proposal that each colony should adopt their own governments instead of having just one big government that was in charge of all them. John Adams was also a major contributor to the development of the Declaration of Independence along with Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Robert R. Livingston and Roger

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