
John 3

Decent Essays

THE FOUR HOUR ZONE presents as an intriguing sci-fi, psychological thriller. The concept of a woman falsely framed for murder, and then travels back in time to clear her name, is a premise with strong potential. Time travel tales remain a concept that resonates with the mainstream audience. The script conveys themes about revenge, redemption, and second chances. The heroine's initial goal is very clear and the stakes are high. A strong, female leading character drives the plot. The heroine has a solid backstory regarding witnessing the murder of her activist father. She's emotionally driven by her father's death, giving her solid inner conflict and depth. The opening sets up the backstory and sets the tone. The first act establishes the …show more content…

On page 15, when the neighbor discovers Josh’s body, make the character’s reaction more visual vs. “She discovers Josh’s body.” There’s a need for more clarification. Here are some examples: The scene on page 23 of Jessica and the American Boss feels unrelated and non-essential to the plot. The boss pressures Jessica for ratings, but clarify how this relates to the storyline. The relevance of planting John 3:16 isn’t understood. Also, clarify the purpose of the images on page 40 and how this relates to the main plot (Marlon Brando, Eddie Vedder etc.). There’s a lot of action and sometimes the action scene tend to blend together. There are two similar fights with Collins and then the detective (around page 55). Consider combining the two similar scenes. There are also two similar scenes in which Megan “head butts” the cops. Visually the idea of a “helmet” feels out of date and not contemporary. The attack on ANT (the bombs) doesn’t really fit with the main …show more content…

Megan makes for an intriguing character and it's refreshing to see a strong, complex female heroine. She has strong internal conflict. The dream she has of Josh is harrowing and play to her inner fear. She clearly loves her father. What’s not clear is why Megan sees herself and this needs to be explored more. Jessica is believable as the supportive lover. The scene of her proposing is very nice. The script tries to give her some unique character traits, such as performance anxiety, but it needs to be more effectively integrated. As mentioned the scene between Jessica and Scarlette isn’t essential. The detective is a worthy, relentless adversary. He has his own odd obsessions and compulsions, but he and Jessica both talk to their self, making them sound too similar. The other area of the script that needs more development is the dialogue. This is one area that really needs to be strengthened. The current dialogue tends to sound on the nose or un-natural. In addition, some of the dialogue sounds challenging to follow, and it's not always related to the

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