
Joe Carp And Frank Reilly: What Are Friends?

Satisfactory Essays

What are friends? I sure wouldn’t know, “my friends”, Joe Carp and Frank Reilly, abandoned me, teased me for my lack of intelligence, and teased me even after the operation to make me smart. Since I realized they weren’t really my friends I felt only a shell of who I once was. I felt I had to protect myself and not care about others but only me. Let’s rewind it to the first few incidents. Of course they knew I wasn’t really smart, after all I did work most of the days out of the week with them. But it didn’t stop them from their mean jokes or even using my name in replacement for being stupid or doing a dumb act. “He really pulled a Charlie Gordon” they would say. At the time I was so clueless, and why would I have a reason to question exactly

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