If a non-conforming shipment arrives and is accepted by the buyer, can the seller offer to “cure” the non-conforming shipment with another shipment? Does Joc Oil have the right to cure under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)? On the surface, it would appear that Joc Oil should have the right to cure the shipment. Within the readings, when the oil left the refinery, it was within the specifications required and a certificate was issued to authenticate that fact. Con-Ed accepted the oil and performed their test after having the oil discharged into their tanks. History had shown that Con-Ed had accepted non-conforming oil in the past, usually receiving a price adjustment in the process, which in the case text, Joc Oil had offered. Con-Ed
Chevron products Company, a Chevron U.S. A Inc. division, maker of the Delo(R) brand of technologically advanced heavy duty engine oils, lubricants and coolants, unveiled a new category of heavy duty motor oil designed to address the growth of severe duty applications in on-and off-highway markets. Quality heavy-duty engine oils must also disperse soot and control sludge in order to help guard against the loss of an engine’s life. Properly lubricating the inside of a heavy-duty engine requires more than just creating a protective film. Delo products have assisted in reducing operating costs and improving fuel efficiency. Switching to this product Delo 's fuel economy products, and a 4% fuel economy improvement compared to SAE 15W-40 oils. Actual results will vary depending upon vehicle type, load and other driving conditions [4].
The lift market in North America is divided into two main segments of In-ground and Surface. Surface lifts (two posts, four posts, scissor, and other) take up 79% of the total market in 1999, while In-ground (single post, and multiple post) occupied the rest with 21%. There were a total of 49272 lifts sold in North America and the U.S. market is 10 times larger than the Canadian market. Hoists ranged from $3,000 to $15,000, while Jolson Auto motive’s average retail price was in the upper middle at $10,990 (company received average of $9,210). Scissor lifts account for 4.7% of the total lift market with 2316.
Commercial impracticability. UCC can enforce commercial impracticability rule when the seller cannot deliver goods within agreement as per contract. Commercial impracticability may also be enforceable when the seller faces unexpected events. These events must affect the contract directly (Melvin, 2011, p. 193).
Grilling is engraved in American culture as well as a highly seasonal activity. Kingsford Charcoal is in the business of selling charcoal for grills. Even though Kingsford increased its market share in 2000, their forecast indicates they will not reach the initial revenue mark. With the charcoal market’s growth slowing, and the gas grill market gaining market share, Kingsford needs to revise its strategy, and their marketing mix to meet original expectations for itself and Clorox. The following report will identity the issues Kingsford faces in the market place and recommend actions to take to resolve these problems. First we will examine
In a response to the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the organization, several alternatives should be considered in strategizing the best way to increase the wealth of the organization.
On the other hand, the company’s products would be more seen by consumers, which means the demand for their products probably increase.
After the inspection was completed, than that’s when everyone would have found out the truth. When it comes to issues such as this you want to make sure you are not taking the blame for someone else error. I give Schwan’s company credit for reacting so quickly. I feel they took it too far because they took the blame and did not know who was really at fault. The company assumed they were at fault, but nothing was proven at first. It was smart for them to do a recall on the ice cream and pull the ice cream off the shelves. Schwan’s company took the blame to find out Cliff Viessman, the tanker truck operator was responsible for the foodborne illness outbreak. Viessman hauled raw eggs on the truck but did not disinfect the truck properly. The company could have very well avoided a great financial lost. It was a learning experience for Schwan’s Sales Enterprises. They were able to rectify the situation successfully. Schwan’s company could have used the media to get the information out to more individuals quicker. Media coverage is the best way to get important information out in a short period of
1. Do you think Mercury is an appropriate target for AGI? Why or why not?
Bed, Bath and Beyond (BBBY) currently has $400 million more in cash than they need for ongoing growth and operations requirements. While the company is financially sound analysts and investors worry about the company’s capital structure decisions. Investors do not want to see that much cash on the books and worry that the current capital structure is not the most effective for the future. They prefer that BBBY change their capital structure by paying out excess cash and issuing debt. This could allow BBBY to improve their return on equity and raise earnings per share. Given the low interest rates available it seems like the perfect time for BBBY to add debt to its capital structure. Until now they
Based on our projections for the years 2002-2004, the biggest driver that effects debt is the company’s operating expenses. Based on the history of the upward trend of operating expenses, our recommendation is that The Body Shop needs to concentrate on lowering the operating expenses, and keeping those expenses around 45% or lower in order to avoid borrowing money. Our 45% recommendation includes a safety net which will prevent having The Body Shop borrowing cash if sale do not continue to climb at a significant rate.
Valuing MW Acquisition by using APV method assumes in practice that exploiting of all MW’s reserves is certain and happens right after the acquisition. In other words, the APV method excludes the flexibility in future decision making. In this case, Apache has both an option to defer the exploiting of reserves into future and Apache may also choose not to exploit the MW reserves at all.
Timescale - It is imperative that all the regulatory documentation is received from the client and reviewed by AndersonBrecon’s quality department prior to the review of the three batch packaging and manufacturing records. Any delay here will have a knock on effect.
Assuming that Kodak Gold Plus sells about 20% of its yearly sales during off-seasons, the resulting cannibalisation will amount to:
The CRA now incorporates a three-tier system to resolve any problems between the consumer and the trader. The degree and nature of the remedies available will depend on the amount of time the consumer has owned the product or on the type of service provided. The first step is when the goods are not satisfactory, in which consumers are entitled to reject them, as provided under Section 22. A full refund can be claimed and must be given without undue delay and this has been covered under Section 20. The second step occurs when the consumer has either lost the chance or not chosen to reject the goods. Under Section 23, the consumer is entitled to claim a repair or replacement of the goods. The trader must repair or
The Pacific Oil Company a well-established oil company with an assorted diversified product line including “Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM)”. (Lewicki, 2010, p. 583) As one of the pioneer producers of VCM, Pacific Oil cornered the market share for contracting, distributing and selling their niche product, VCM worldwide. One of Pacific’s longtime customers was Reliant Corporation. This partnership was more than a decade old and was strong. However, if Pacific Oil decided to further diversify its product line to include Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) a VCM derivative, “it would not want to be in the position of supplying a product competitor with the raw materials to manufacture the product line, unless the formula price was extremely