
Job Contritisfaction : The Causes And Cons Of Job Satisfaction

Satisfactory Essays

Job satisfaction is the positive feeling that results from an appraisal of one’s work. () Job satisfaction is based on a number of things. These include hope, resilience, optimism and self-efficiency.() Being satisfied with the job you hold can also affect your job performance. Job satisfaction tends to increase with age. One of the reasons this happens is because as you age you have possessed more time to find a job in which one truly enjoys. A person may just have also come to terms with the issues at the job you have. Someone might realize that they will not be able to find a new job and learn to tolerate the one they have. A person may just start to make the best of what job they have chosen and learn to turn negatives into positives. Middle-aged workers are often more satisfied with the control they feel they have at their job rather than their pay. White collar workers or people who hold more office-based jobs also seem to have a higher satisfaction with their job than those blue collar workers, which requires a lot of manual labor. People who are older also tend to have advanced positions in their careers or have more control over the day to day of their job. Many people who are not satisfied with their positions are those in entry positions. This lower pay and little to no control over the day to day operations of their job. People often change occupations to feel as though they are being challenged or to keep their job more interesting. People who are older have

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