
Jillian Meaning

Decent Essays

The central processing is a component of information processing system that controls Jillian’s ability or lack of ability to determine good people from bad people, determine truth from lie, and read social cues and subtleties.

Jillian was characterized for being a kind hearted and lovable person wherein she accepted, trusted, and loved everyone she met. It was emphasized in the story that “She had neither the heart nor the intellect to question people’s best intention” Because of that Jillian’s family assured that they are always there for Jillian. During high school, Jillian was into different kind of athletics so she immersed herself in sports, such as dance and weightlifting. Through that, it led Jillian to one of her good friends, Evan Stanley. It was during High school where Jillian felt a sense of belongingness through her buddies at the loveland high school …show more content…

How did “expect, don’t accept” shape Jillian’s life? How do you think this type of empowerment from early on can inoculate a child with an intellectual disability guard against learned helplessness? How can teachers embrace “expect, don’t accept” to help children with and without disabilities?

“Expect, don’t accept”, became the family’s mantra with Jillian growing up. Their mantra had been a powerful tool which focuses on things that Jillian can do despite her disability. That type of empowerment pushed Jillian to strive and accept whatever challenges life throws at her. Teachers can embrace “expect, don’t accept” to help children with or without disabilities by being equal and not playing favorites. This concept prevents children at an early age from learned helplessness because it encourages a child to build up his/her confidence.

12. Tell me as best as you can, what this book meant to you. What was new, revealing information? What, if anything, was heart lifting? What made you pause to think? What surprised you? How will you use the experience to guide you as a future

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