
Jfk Surfactant

Decent Essays

The hypothesis that I have states earlier is proven correct with the data I have collected. With higher levels of surfactant, there was an exceedingly high increase in airflow. However, I was wrong about airflow plateauing with increased surfactant. The more surfactant you added, there was increase in airflow. It cannot be stressed enough how important surfactant is in the lungs. Without surfactant, there are intricacies like alveoli collapsing, not enough airflow, and diseases for instance pneumothorax or hyaline membrane disease. Approximately 50 years ago, John F. Kennedy, one of the greatest presidents in American history, was born with hyaline membrane disease. This disease occurs in premature infants, because surfactant is the last compound …show more content…

During this time, it is moreover critical to make sure that type II cells in the alveoli are working properly, because they are the cells that produce surfactant. Because physiological and medical knowledge was not as paramount as it is today, the best physicians in the world were only able to keep John F. Kennedy’s baby alive for three days until it died from suffocation. Cigarette smoking has had great impact on the way lungs, specifically type II alveolar cells, function. In 2004, the National Center for Biotechnology Information had published an article on how smoking affects surfactant levels. Whether a first-hand or second-hand smoker, the smoke from cigarettes may disrupt the type II alveolar cells that secrete surfactant. Not only do they produce this important lipoprotein, but these cells also are the first line of defense. When cigarette smoke goes through the trachea, into the bronchi, the bronchioles, and then the alveoli, it comes in contact with type II cells and surfactant itself. When these cells are mutated, or evidently killed, there would be less secretion of …show more content…

Such phenomenon would inflict pain when breathing, and evidently promote long-term suffocation. Many firefighters experience these types of symptoms when battling furious fires. The smoke and chemicals that the firefighters breathe in actually evaporate a huge portion of their surfactant. That is why in the news firefighters are reported suffering from smoke inhalation. They experience collapsed alveoli and struggle breathing. It is also important to mention the complication that come along with pneumothorax, and serious condition that involves aire between the lungs and intercostal muscles. We know that when we breathe air flows down the trachea, into the bronchi, and spread throughout the lungs. However, what happens when there is a hole punctures in one of the pathways for air. This phenomenon would cause air to accumulate in the chest, instead of going into the lungs. We expand our chest to increase volume, and decrease the pressure inside. Because atmospheric pressure is exceedingly higher that it is in the lungs, air will flow from high pressure to low pressure. This phenomenon cannot happen with

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