
Jewish Covenant Essay

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The covenant for the Jewish people is the most important aspect to Christianity because it establishes the understanding of Abraham and the Israelites dedication to God’s law. Ehrman 51 states, “God had chosen Israel from among all the other nations of the earth to be his special people.” This covenant promise from God himself stated that if the Israelites followed Gods law and stayed true to him prosperity and favor would be shown to them. During this time it was rare for people to worship one god only, in fact it was more common to worship many different gods, but due to the covenant proclaimed over Israel we see the development of monotheism and the dedication of the Jewish people on worshipping the one and only “God of Creations.” (Ehrman …show more content…

The development of monotheism during a time of polytheism opened up a new idea to the surrounding people. I think often times the covenant was placed so God himself could prove to others he was the only one to be worshiped especially during in years to come. In the bible we see examples of miracles, like parting of the sea, and also miracles of famine and manna from God.

In closing, it is evident that the covenant to the Jewish Israel people had a big impact on the origins of Christianity itself. Due to the continuous faith seen from the Jewish people throughout generations there was continuous miracles that could all be traced back to the original covenant of god to the Jewish people. The dedicated faith of the people can all be traced back to where the original Israelites saw the covenant law as the “God’s greatest gift to people,” (Ehrman 51) hence leading back to the development of strong monotheistic religion known as

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