
JetBlue airways IPO valuation

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Case study—JetBlue airways IPO valuation Introduction: As a leader of airways industries, JetBlue is successful because of professional services and a good management team. In 2002, JetBlue became a public company. Despite the fact that US airline industry had witness 87 new airline failures over the previous 20 years, Jetblue overcame difficulties and expressed confidence in the bright future. Before going public Before going public in 2002, JetBlue has outstanding advantage in the whole industries. Because of the good performance by management team (CEO: David Neelman,President and COO: David Barger ,CFO: John Owen), JetBlue provided good services which include new aircraft, leather seat, free live TV at every seat and high …show more content…

It is proved what Jonathan Schrader said is right. Due to the large investment, the company will decrease the cash in hand for next coming years. The table 1.3 shown the NPV and discount cash flow in the next 10 years. Discount Cash Flow 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 NOPAT 53 89 119 149 181 195 248 270 292 NWC -29 -31 -32 -31 -34 -36 -34 -24 -24 CapX -290 -328 -325 -310 -326 -342 -299 -157 -133 FCFE -266 -270 -238 -192 -179 -183 -85 89 135 DCF -242 -232 -193 -131 -111 -103 -45 42 59 NPV -950 From the table, it can be seen that for each year, JetBlue has an increase in both NOPAT and net working capital which means the company continue to invest in the future. So we use the next 10 years data and information to calculate the value of NPV. After that we use the WACC to calculate the share price, the table 1.4 shows the calculation of share price. per sahre value FCFE in 2010 135 WACC 10.09% Growth rate 7.07% Terminal value $4,850 PV TV $2,060 Enterprise value $1,100 share outstanding $41 per share $28.58 The result of

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