
Jesus And Moses Research Paper

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Thesis Statement- Christians Jews regarded Jesus and Moses as faithful servants who were their savior. However, this paper will demonstrate Jesus’ superiority as the faithful Son of God over God’s house and Moses as God’s faithful servant in God’s House.

The unknown author of Hebrews has verified that Jesus Christ was not just a servant to God; and compares Him (Jesus) to many other servants of God. Furthermore, the author establishes that Christ who is also a servant and the Son of God have power in the house of God. Therefore, it is important to note that while many Jews rejected Jesus as the Savior, Christian Jews regarded and understood that Jesus was indeed the Savior and Son …show more content…

Moses seen as a fore-shadow of Jesus Christ has similar traits as Jesus Christ. He is commanded by God to take on the role of saving his kinsman from the oppression of the Egyptian leader. Therefore, throughout the book of Exodus Moses get instructions from God regarding the avenue he (Moses) would utilize to bring the freedom of his people to fruition. Moses is told to return to Egypt and confront the evil ruler requesting that he set free those that were enslaved. Moses’ duties at this stage were to seek the freedom from enslavement of the Israelites. He became the servant in the house of God because he was appointed by God to be the high priest and serve as the mediator to the people of Israel. He made many sacrifices on behalf of his kinsmen yet they rejected him. He petitioned God on numerous occasions when there seem to be calamity among his people who began to reject and disobey God. Furthermore, through all the trials of leading these people in the wilderness it became important that God present an understanding to the people of Israel of who He (God) was to them and what He expected in their behavior towards Him. It was on this note that Moses met with him on Mt. Sanai for forty days to receive the laws that would be a guide to follow. Subsequently, these laws would be a covenant with God and serve as the medium through which His people would worship and obey His will for their well-being. These laws became …show more content…

1-2). His birth was filled with uncertainties by his earthly parents. However, assurances made to them by God would lead them to Egypt to escape the decree handed out by the evil ruler Herod. Herod’s decree was one that would have all infant Jewish boys born annihilated as prevention to the coming King’s arrival that he (Herod) felt was a threat to his ruler ship. The humanity of Jesus would continue through His rejection by those He came to save, temptations, and trials as all mere human faced. Hebrews provides and makes transparent Jesus’ humanity unlike any other New Testament scripture. Furthermore, the theological interpretation profoundly urges and stimulates a concept that should promote change in the hearts and mind of the recipients. The sacrifice made by Jesus through His blood was and atonement and fulfillment of that the old covenant that was required; however, it ushered in the new covenant whose requirements did not need to be repeated because it was once for

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