It was 8:30 in the afternoon. I was with my friends Jesus and Justin. There were many children and adults outside. We were by our selves. We were going to every house with lots of candy. Our bags were almost full from going to every house. When we saw the last house we almost screamed.The house was a nightmare. The house was ripped apart. On the lawn there were torn down trees. The grass was pure black. We started to walk on the lawn to knock on the door. Then out of nowhere a skeleton popped out of the ground. It grabs Justin’s leg real tight. Me and Jesus tried to get him out of the grip of the cold, dark skeleton. It was no use because the skeleton was far stronger. He pulled Justin into the ground never to be seen again. We decided to
The greatest Christian Apologist and martyr, in the turn of the second century, who stood firm in defending the belief of Christianity, was the great philosopher and early Christian apologist and martyr - Justin Martyr. Justin Martyr (100-165CE), was born in Samaria, near Jacob’s well, around turn of the century in modern day Palestine. Justin was a Gentile and well educated, who has traveled extensively in search for the life’s meaning in the philosophies of his day.
Both Tom and Jesus would go down as martyrs, despite the common negative stigma around their lives. Tom was viewed as a lowlife, an inferior person who did not deserve justice by the majority of citizens of Maycomb, just because he was black; however, Atticus was able to shed doubt on this prejudice with his defense of Tom. He was able to plant the seed of doubt in some citizens of Maycomb who were not completely set in their racist ways. Atticus was well aware of what he was doing: “‘This time—’ he broke off and looked at us. ‘You might like to know that there was one fellow who took considerable wearing down—in the beginning he was rarin’ for an outright acquittal,’” (Lee 226). Atticus was speaking his defense of Tom to one member of the
Flavius Anicius Julianus Justinianus (sometimes called Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus) was born in 483 C.E. in Tauresium, Dardania. He was a Latin-speaking Illyrian born into a peasant stock family. His name Justinian is a Roman name taken from the emperor Justin I, his uncle, who adopted him. When he was young, he and his uncle moved to Constantinople where Justinian received an excellent education, but he was said to have a bad accent when he spoke Greek. Justinian was sometimes referred to as “The Last Roman”, which means that he was a man who embodied the values of the ancient Roman civilization.
This past week I met a guy name Jesus Castellanos at work. I've been working there for the last year never really sat down and had a conversation with him until last week. I learn that he's a pastor. He also invited me to attend church this past Sunday, which I did and it was great. This experience made me nervous at first bet I'm glad I talk to him he's such a nice man. All he talked about was his family and god.
My dad, me ,my older brother Luke, and my two sisters Michaela and Anna were on our way up to cedar Michigan. It was going to be very cold up north so we had two dress warm. It took about six hors to get there we arrived at about 1:00 we arrived on 7899 S Schomberg Rd Cedar MI 49621 our great friends lived there there names where Marv & Jill Anderson they owned a lot of land up there they own two houses and five barns they also have donkeys, goats, sheep, ducks, and cats. I love it up there.we went sliding, and found a very big hill and had about three hours be fore we had to go church. we stated to get ready fore church about 15 minutes be fore we had to leave. when church ended we went to watch a movie when that
I maintained order by militarism, the Justinian code, involucrate in ceremonies such as courts and architecture. I had a strong and powerful military with well trained generals that were capable to defeat the Nika Riots. The Justinian code are a set of laws similar as the Roman laws that helped on the growth of the legal profession and established the basis for many of the modern world’s justice and legal systems. In addition, me and my wife Theodora, both placed emphasis on ceremonies, particular at court. Lastly, I undertook a city building program that help achieve one of my major accomplishments. I built the hippodrome, the imperial palace and most importantly the Hagia Sophia, the great cathedral located in the city of Constantinople that
On Sunday, I was playing in the yard after church like always with Abigail and Elizabeth, my two closest friends. Abigail was always first to grow cold and beg to go in, which we always complied. We first pulled off our heavy down coats to hang, then we cleaned up our shoes so we wouldn’t track water in the house. Elizabeth and
I forced myself to think about the priest’s Halloween sermon. It was during that sermon that I experienced my first vison. I was watching the red and blue colors of the stained glass window. In the window was a boatload of apostles. Suddenly, I felt that the fishermen were in need of assistance and found myself standing on the shore of a river in the woodlands near the church. An old fisherman in need of a haircut whittled a twig as he stood a few paces to my right.
It was a dark night, but the city of Constantinople along with Justinian’s creation the Hagia Sophia was lit by flames. The Blue and the Green factions were out in full force and the city was under siege. Justinian lied nervously in bed as both his empire and potentially even his life were gradually slipping away from his grasp. He had just finished an exhausting conversation with his wife Theodora who refused to desert her position of Empress and was adamant that Justinian should also stay and rule. Although his wife had a point that there is no dignity in deserting the position of Emperor while alive, Justinian did not want to die. His mind was racing and his confidence shattered with every chant of "nika" or victory shouted out by the growing
Justinian of Constantinople took throne in 527 over the Byzantine Empire, he was known for his tight and harsh reign of control and the architecture he inspired through his beliefs such as the Hagia Sophia and the San Vitale (Cunningham, Pg. 224). Justinian lived in a region clashing with Orthodox and Arian Christians, both of which believed that God was divine but they had a slight difference in their views of Jesus Christ (Cunningham, Pg. 224). His personal belief was in the Orthodox Christianity and viewed Jesus in both forms, divine like god and a human (Cunningham, Pg. 225 & 229). The Arian Christians believed Jesus was not directly connected to god but was made by and separated from god (Cunningham, Pg. 238 (Glossary)). Justinian’s central
It is possible to write on the life of Jesus from the information gathered from the bible. I will be dividing my essay into three parts. In the first part of the paper, I will talk about the nature of the gospels, John’s views vs. the Synoptic, discuss if the authors of the gospels are eyewitnesses and how they used written sources. Also I will talk about the Q source. Then I will elaborate on the topic of how Matthew and Luke were similar. Then I will continue on by discussing how the Old Testament uses Moses, Samuel and Elijah to interpret Jesus, and finally whether or not the Sermon on the Mount happened. In the second part of my paper, I will talk about Jesus’s birth and childhood, his miracles, his resurrection, and what Jesus did to cure people, spirits and how they are interpreted to the prophet, magician and the mad man compared to Saul and Elijah. The final part of the paper I will talk about what Jesus talked about as regards to the Kingdom of God vs. the Kingdom of the Romans and what he intended by speaking of the end of the world. I will also speak of the reasons behind the Romans executing him. My sources for this paper will be the New Jerusalem Bible Readers edition as my primary source and lecture notes from Professor Trumbach.
The written sources for the organization of the state in Parthians are various and heterogeneous. The most important sources for this early period are represented by authors writing in Greek and Latin; then in Syriac, Armenian, Arabic and Chinese (Lukonin 2008, 681). The most important single source from the Arsacids period, which has come down to us, is Justin’s epitome of “Philippic History” written by Pompeius Trogus (Alfred Gutschmid 1888, 171). This work is a major source from the reign of the Roman emperor Augustus (Justinus 1997, 1), this book contains the information on historical events that occurred till the 9th century B.C. (Alfred Gutschmid 1888, 171). The Geography of Strabo (50 B.C. - 21 A.D.) is the other source about the
As time went on I watched the sun fall behind the horizon, landscaping the sky different shades. My dad was exhausted of driving so we stopped at a hotel. Keep in mind we've been driving for 9 hours and we have yet to arrive to the destination. The next morning we woke up at 5am to get back on the road. I was nervous and excited to meet family I've never met before. 11 hours later i finally hear my parents say we have arrived. I looked around and I could see kids running towards the car, the smile on their faces were priceless they were so happy to see us. It was like we were famous or something. For a second I was getting a little overwhelmed. They looked different they weren't wearing what “regular” kids wear. They were wearing the complete opposite. Not to mention some of them didn't even have shoes. I didn't understand why. We got off the car and said hi to everyone then my parents gave out everything they had gathered and seeing the kid's faces light up when they would receive something just shocked me I didn't think they would react the way they did. They were so thankful and so happy with what they got. I didn't understand why they were happy to receive used clothes or used things in general. As I kept looking around, the houses looked different from how mine looked. As we went through a gate my father said “This is your grandpa's and grandma's house it's where we are going to be staying.” I couldn't believe how different the
The heavily tattooed pop star, Justin Bieber, has been known to pee in kitchen mop buckets just feet from food being prepared, desecrate flags, ride on buses filled with drugs, visit brothels, and drink a bit too much. Sounds just like a rock/pop star stereotype. Most music stars don't go on about their relationship with God, though. Or do they? (Kanye?)
I also hate being put "on the spot" like you said. Although professors might think students will be prepared for class in fear of not knowing the answer when they are called out, I think it makes us hate their class. I learn better when I actually enjoy what my professor is teaching rather than being afraid of not knowing what they expect me to know.