Imagine being a king or queen in the medieval period being able to rule the kingdom with a iron fist. Imagine all the stresses that come with that. You have a unknown disease (later known as Black Death) mysteriously killing half of your kingdom. You have the stresses of other kingdoms coming to strike you at any moment. What would a king need in these stressful times? The answer; a jester. Jesters were a important part of the king and his court. When you think of jesters, what comes to mind? I bet you think of jesters as the silly clown that gets a pie to the face, or the clown that doesn't know right from wrong. But did you know that they also played a major role in the kings court. Back in the medieval era jesters many jesters had all different …show more content…
Many jesters would use these methods to entertain the king or queen. The jester would even make the king laugh while eating to assist in his/her digestion of the food( Some jesters would even preform plays and dramas written by famous writers in the medieval 1era. The jester was pretty much invincible. Why do I say this? Because jesters were allowed to say anything they wanted about the king or his court. The jester was one of the few people who could have freedom of speech around the castle . What would jesters wear during this time? Many jester in this time wore a hat that depicted that of donkey ears on them, to amuse the king (Newman). At this time the hat was wore by the jester was known as a fools hat. because the jester was known as a clown or a fool. The fools hat consisted of three points With a jingle bells attached to each of the three points on the hat (Newman). The jester had sported a shaved head, and a cowl shaped hood, and their coats were motley with their pants being a different color from each other( The jester was highly respected and powerful because he entertained the king
Thesis: Rulers during the period from 1450 to 1750 viewed themselves ruling with God’s name and have great power and diverse methods to rule their lands, and they are expected to do everything for their people and have great diplomatic policies.
In northern Europe after the Middle Ages, monarchies began to build the foundations of their countries that are still in affect today. During the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries these “New Monarchs” made many relevant changes in their nations. During the middle of the fifteenth century Europe was affected by war and rebellion, which weakened central governments. As the monarchies attempted to develop into centralized governments once again, feudalism’s influence was lessened. This “new” idea of centralization was reflected in the monarch’s actions. Rulers tried to implement peace and restore the idea that the monarchy represented law and order in the nation. These New Monarchs were able to build armies due to taxation, and
father must have seen and admired a picture of an Englishman wearing such a hat in England,
His hat serves as a symbol for identity and individuality. Holden desires to be unique in every way (his own self) and to be authentic. After this quote he mentions that the hat is used to shoot people or in other words mentally judge their opinions as irrelevant as well as absurd.
Fortunato’s jester attire becomes his funeral attire. He is masquerading as a fool, and he is taken for one.
The feudal system was the method of government that was used in the Middle Ages. The feudal pyramid consisted of four levels, King at the top, Church Official and Nobles/Lords next, then Knights, and peasants at the bottom. The King had the most power, the nobles were sometimes vassals to the king, knights fought in the king’s army, and peasants worked in the field all day and were very poor. In one scene of the movie, peasants are seen working in the fields. They are very dirty and have bad quality clothing which shows how little money and power they had compared to King Arthur, who had fancy clothing and did not have to work. King Arthur then asks the peasants who their lord is, which shows how lords or vassals
In Elizabethan times, fools were used as entertainment in royal courts, with a specific role to entertain the king. However, in “King Lear”, the fool plays a much more significant role than comedic relief, as he, ironically, is able to provide insight into human nature and draw correlations between the play and everyday life. This is most evident when he talks to King Lear about what he has done wrong or what he has overlooked.
Kingship is beneficial because it is the rule of one person. Aquinas states that the correct and most useful way to carry out an objective is "when it is lead to its appropriate end" (15). The incorrect way would be the opposite--to lead something to an inappropriate end, or not to lead it to an end at all. In light
A type of dramatic irony in the story can be seen in Fortunato’s attire at the carnival. Fortunato was dressed as a jester, though it was actually Montresor who was laughed at and ridiculed. Professor Charles N. Nevi, of the department of English in Medford, Oregon, writes about the irony in Fortunato’s dress when he says, “Fotunato’s dress is ironic, for a jester is not just a man to be laughed at; he is a man who makes others laugh by being aware of the frailties of mankind and then ridiculing them, but Fortunato is aware of very little and who ridicules nothing. It is Montresor who came closer to the role of jester,” (Nevi par.8). Here Professor Nevi suggests that Montresor is the one who is actually ridiculed and should be a better fit in the jester dress. These examples demonstrate Fortunato’s ironic misfortunes that lead to his eventual death.
______. His red hunting hat is symbolic of many things. He wears it during important times such as writing the composition about Allie’s baseball glove, yet he seems to be embarrassed to wear it in public. “I took my old hunting hat out… and put it on. I knew I wouldn’t meet anybody that knew me” (122). Even though he lacks confidence to wear it frequently, it becomes a part of how he sees himself. He acknowledges that it’s “corny” but he personally likes how it looks; it is a symbol of his uniqueness and desire to be different. The red color of the hat is also noteworthy, the same as Allie and Phoebe’s hair. He may associate ‘red’ with purity and innocence those characters represent and wears it as a connection to them.
The Earl of Kent plays a small but important part in Shakespeare's play King Lear. From the beginning scenes to the end we see a minor character that is used to show the values that Shakespeare believed in. Whether Kent is an example of the dutiful servant or plays the intermediary between Lear and Cordelia he is essential to the functioning of the plot.
Finally, the Fool provides humor. First, the "nothing" jokes in 1.4 provide much humor. In addition, the Fool's songs are humorous and informative. Moreover, one can find humor in the way the Fool treats the King. When the Fool disappears in 3.6, most of the humor of the play dies with him.
In the play King Lear by William Shakespeare, the Fool is introduced as an lower-class character as he acts carefree and speaks in riddles. However, the Fool’s role in the play is not as plain and simple as it seems. Considering the Fool’s excellent relationship to Lear, he plays a significant role in supporting Lear’s sanity, thus he has the time to figure out the truths. The Fool takes on the important role of sustaining Lear’s sanity by staying loyal to Lear, providing comic relief to Lear, and teaching Lear of his faults.
to foolery by their silly acts as well. There are two types of fool in
Although he is meant to be the fool of the play, he is actually the wisest of them all. However his other personality, which is kept deep down until near the end of the play, is feisty and dark which is confirmed when he says,