
Jester Research Paper

Decent Essays

Imagine being a king or queen in the medieval period being able to rule the kingdom with a iron fist. Imagine all the stresses that come with that. You have a unknown disease (later known as Black Death) mysteriously killing half of your kingdom. You have the stresses of other kingdoms coming to strike you at any moment. What would a king need in these stressful times? The answer; a jester. Jesters were a important part of the king and his court. When you think of jesters, what comes to mind? I bet you think of jesters as the silly clown that gets a pie to the face, or the clown that doesn't know right from wrong. But did you know that they also played a major role in the kings court. Back in the medieval era jesters many jesters had all different …show more content…

Many jesters would use these methods to entertain the king or queen. The jester would even make the king laugh while eating to assist in his/her digestion of the food( Some jesters would even preform plays and dramas written by famous writers in the medieval 1era. The jester was pretty much invincible. Why do I say this? Because jesters were allowed to say anything they wanted about the king or his court. The jester was one of the few people who could have freedom of speech around the castle . What would jesters wear during this time? Many jester in this time wore a hat that depicted that of donkey ears on them, to amuse the king (Newman). At this time the hat was wore by the jester was known as a fools hat. because the jester was known as a clown or a fool. The fools hat consisted of three points With a jingle bells attached to each of the three points on the hat (Newman). The jester had sported a shaved head, and a cowl shaped hood, and their coats were motley with their pants being a different color from each other( The jester was highly respected and powerful because he entertained the king

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