
Jerry An Ethical Man Analysis

Decent Essays

A mysterious child left with an unknown mother, or rather no mother at all, nothing but himself and his warm heart. Jerry, a young boy, who had been stuck living in the dull orphanage he calls home for most of his life. Jerry should be considered an ethical person in every way. As Jerry starts to tell a lie as some may call it, he is simply making up for what is lost. If Jerry didn't know any better he wouldn't have respected or understood the narrator as much as he would if he weren't ethical. Jerry is also very respectful and honest when around the narrator. Jerry's relationship with Pat who is a dog, also plays a role in this as well, it shows just how responsible and ethical Jerry is. Some assume Jerry is just telling a simple fib or lie, but really he is only feeling what he has …show more content…

Jerry feeds, exorcises, and lets the dog out every two or three days. This shows that Jerry is an ethical person who does not want this dog to go hungry or be inside for too long. Instead of letting that happen and letting the dog suffer, he takes full responsiblility to help out with the dog which proves that Jerry knows wrong from right. The narrator had even said that "there is a strange communion between a boy and a dog. Perhaps they possess the same singleness of spirit, the same kind of wisdom." Jerry is just a lonely orphan that had stayed in an orphange for quite some time. Old things start to change and new things start to grow, Jerry has been hired to chop wood for the narrator who treats him with the same respect given by Jerry. Respect, a trait that an ethical person would only have. Jerry has repect along with a few more positive traits that he shows to the narrator and a dog, Jerry should then be considered to be ethical. Jerry may have lied once but that was when he wanted to believe and that is what most people would have told him to do,

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