
Jepson's Argument Against Abortion

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According to London times, numerous abortions related to club feet, cleft lips, webbed fingers or toes were performed within the time spam of three years in just on area of England. Abortion for serious handicap in fetus is allowed up to birth in Britain, but the law did not specify to what degree does the disabilities found in fetus count as serious handicap. Until 2003, Joanna Jepson, a Church of England curate initiated a legal challenge against West Mercia police for failing to prosecute a doctor performed abortion on a fetus with cleft palate during the 28th week of pregnancy. Jepson filed to challenge the law but raised the concerns of abortion performed due to minor disabilities that could be cure by surgery after birth. Jepson also …show more content…

Previous argument on sacrifices made by parent would also fulfill the argument here. However, I argue that the fetus would bring great pain to its’ family or to itself for the rest of its lifetime in most cases would refer to some form of support from the family or someone to gain the very quality of life to the fetus. Such case is similar to the argument Thomson made about the violinist, you share your kidney to maintain the life of a famous violinist is solely base on your kindness not because you own the violinist. (331c1) The fetus would require either emotional or physical support from the family or someone to maintain its quality of life, it is based on the kindness and responsibility that carries not because the family or someone owe the fetus.
The opposite view to the answer might raise objection as even if the fetus would bring great paint to its’ family and or to itself, how could I justify the fetus would not grow up to be a person like Helen Keller that bring great contribution to the human rights? However, I argue that the odds are much higher that a disable person would become a great person like Helen Keller. Not saying that possibilities are diminished, but why gamble when there is a

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