
Jenny Craig's Diet Program

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Weight Loss Program Evaluation Jenny Craig has been around since the 80’s. The weight management program caters to adolescence, women, men, people with diabetes and seniors. The program combines nutrition and physical activity with counseling to assist consumers to change their lifestyles and eating habits. The main goal is to have the client reach their desired weight, once reached; they will not have to rely on Jenny Craig’s packaged food, planned menus, or consultations to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Jenny Craig offers multiple selections on their prepackaged meal plans. On , you may view their menu selection and choose which items you would like to bring home for the week. The program is easy to follow …show more content…

All the weight presented was high numbers, Giselle C. lost 38 pounds, Rose U. lost 50 pounds, and Barbara N. lost 81 pounds. The stories does not sound authentic because some of the stories talked about the same situation, for example, they would talk about their traveling experience and described how they hated traveling on a plane because their seat belt was too tight or their fat would hang over the seat. All stories would emphasize how they didn’t have to work out to lose weight; all they did was just eat Jenny’s Cuisines. So that makes people feel like that don’t have to work out to lose weight, but health wise, you need to balance physical activity and a healthy diet in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Jenny Craig’s videos online interviewing their clients makes it sound like this program will work because their clients have all lost over 35 pounds and tells you how their life change because they have lost so much weight. Their support system really helps boost people’s self esteem because in a time of losing weight, they need a partner to motivate them and give them positive feedback. It has all give them confidence and their life style has changed drastically because they feel beautiful and

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