
Jennette Research Paper

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Per Reporter: Jennette is a seven months old female. Three to four weeks ago (unknown) a cat bite Jennette in her face (on the lower part of her cheekbone). Jennette was at a birthday party. It is unknown how the cat bites Jennette in the face. Jennette's mom Kristi did take Jennette to the doctor in Brookhaven or Summit. Kristi took Jennette at 7:45 pm and Kristi did not notify the father (unknown) until 8:00 pm. Jennette also has a bad diaper rash. The diaper rash has Jennette bottom (butt) raw. The diapers rash begin on her butt cheek all the up to her vagina. While bathing Jennette, she will not sit in the tub on her bottom; due to her but being raw. Jennette just cried. Jennette's butt is always red. It appears that Kristi does not change

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