
Jenek Documentary Analysis

Decent Essays

Jericho Documentary
In this documentary, you have archeologists looking for proof that the Bible is a true story. They have excavated the Walls of Jericho in hopes of finding “treasures” of the biblical days. They haven’t exactly found the evidence they were searching for. Another great mystery of the powers of God and the Bible, mixed with the scientific facts.
Joshua leads his people to Jericho, on a journey to the Promised Land. He conquered the Walls of Jericho and the land of Ai. God made him conquer these pieces of land, and wanted nothing living to be left standing. Rahab, a prostitute helps two of his spies, she gave them answers and hid them from the King. She only asked that, her family and she be saved from the destruction. However, God have made a Covenant with Joshua that they were to kill everyone. Joshua and his people, also were not allowed to take any trophies for the slaughtering of these people. He being trustworthy, did keep his promise that Rahab would be unharmed.
The archeologists did find belongings of the people of Jericho, and they found this strange that these things would be left. Forgetting the facts of the Bible, Joshua and the Israelites were after the land, not the people’s belongings. The ruins looked the way they should, if you believe the story in the Bible. However, the scholars …show more content…

They believe that an earthquake caused the Walls of Jericho, to come crumbling down. It would make since for their time frame facts, and it would give them a scientific reasoning for the land to look the way it does. What I find strange, is the fact that people underestimate God. In the Bible, you see the wonderful things he can do. I cannot imagine having the need to find scientific proof that the Bible is wrong. Maybe some of the parts were written after they took place, it may explain some of the different narratives throughout the

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