
Jem Coming Of Age Analysis

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Coming of age To Kill A Mockingbird Jeremy Finches ‘Coming of age’ is exposed in numerous, sublime ways throughout Harper Lee's book, “To Kill A Mockingbird”. Jem changes socially. He changes mentally as well as physically. Jems coming of age changes into a young, role model, adult. Firstly, Jem begins to show his social corrections, changes, and potential. Jem originally feels bad because he can't understand others like Scout , his sister, or the situation that is going on with such people. He starts changing when he begins to adjust social situations the way an older teen would. Example; Jem grows older and becomes distant because of his brain power. Scout gets jealous, “What had began as a fist-fight had become a brawl.”(184) They did …show more content…

Jems mental changes act as a sort of adhesive to hummaily hold all of the other changes his body is reacting to. It's the one thing that merges into every little crook and cranny it may find is Jem's ‘Puberty’ soul document. Jem has been very intelligent since day, or page, one. Yet he seems to over think things more, rather than take his time. That is what changes immensely, his ability to merge his analytical mind with a newly grown social mind. Jem does this on few, yet important parts in Lee's novel. Originally, Jem does not understand his mysterious neighbor, Boo Radley. Over time after a few tree, tire , and scripted events, Jem becomes the first out of the Entire Maycomb county to understand who the real Boo Radley is. This was a positive move toward Boo, that actually lead to Him saving Jeremy and Scouts life's “I think I’m beginning to understand why Boo Radley’s stayed shut up . . . it’s because he wants to stay inside.”(Lee.304) Jem begins to combine what analytical, and social knowledge he has gained. Jem, unknowingly starts to develope an adult ‘Coming of Age’ brain. Jem also goes through a last, more intense change. While he goes through other mind changes, Jeremy also has a down period where he is moody and distant, most likely just going through his heavy period of puberty but this does show the physical changes also play an emotional role inside Jems brain battle. Jem has a simple haircut for a young boy but

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