
Jekyll And Hyde: A Literary Analysis

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As a child, after watching a horror movie… we often fear every little aspect thing such as, walking in the dark, waiting for something to pop out our closet doors, or under our beds. Monsters have been around for a long time. We have feared monsters because we've grown up with something that our relatives have told us that is scary. However, it's the society perspective of what society fears, what we fear and how we fear monsters. Monsters are usually described as a creature which we show fear by its appearance or its actions. In class we've been reading about monsters and how there are monsters that can be a person, that doesn't necessarily have to be a creature. Monsters show characteristics, evilness, ugly, and having cruel …show more content…

A characteristic that Monsters have is evilness. For instance, in the article that we read on the, Minotaur, is about an Ancient Greek creature who is half man and half bull, that shows evilness. “It loved to eat the flesh of the humans who had been shut into the labyrinth by King Minos.” The people that were in the labyrinth were “completely lost, until at last they came face to face with the Minotaur.” Which the Minotaur had no choice but to eat his only food. Similarly, Hyde persona is evil. In the book of ‘The strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde’ shows how Hyde has killed innocent people. For example, he trampled a girl, has killed sir Danvers Carew and technically kills himself because he takes over Jekyll and then commits suicide. In the book it describes how hyde trampled over the girl. Hyde trampled over the girl because he was in a hurry and she was in his way. …show more content…

These monsters show the desire of wanting something badly. The Minotaur shows desire in the short story of ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’. As the Minotaur grew older it became more desired to eat human flesh. In the article, it also describes the Minotaur as “It was powerful and savage.” Which in fact, put fear into the people who got thrown into the labyrinth. In ‘The Strange Case Of Dr.Jekyll And Mr.Hyde’ Hyde shows desire of wanting the drug that Jekyll uses to convert him into Hyde. It also describes how Hyde desired the drug and what affects it made him do. As shown in chapter 10, “...weeping like a woman or a lost soul.” Hyde also shows cruelty to another for no reason. Demons show the desire by wanting you. The more you fear them, the more they get attached to you. That's why they do more things to attract your attention.. For example in the movie ‘The Conjuring’ the demons that cursed the land will haunt who ever stepped foot in their land. The demons, possessed the women and made her do things that she usually doesn't do. As shown in the movie, the demon was trying to make the woman kill her own daughter. Demons are also cruel because they cause pain to their loved ones/ family members as shown in the

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