
Jehovah's Witnesses And Blood Confusion Summary

Decent Essays

Jehovah’s Witnesses and Blood Transfusion:
An Analysis of the Religion’s Foundation and Challenges
Since ancient times religion has had a strong influence on people’s lives, specifically in their moral decision making. In many religions, moral decisions are made based on God commands known as “Divine Commands” and not necessarily on reason or common sense. In fact, there are different approaches to a religious belief. On one side of the approach there is a fundamentalism orientation, which is a simple adherence to the "foundations" of faith, or ideologies. It is deliberated by the standard of genuineness and authenticity. Fundamentalism has also been described as an aggressive and dangerous expression of conservatism in the form of extreme …show more content…

During emergency moments, patients vary in their choice to receive blood transfusions. Fundamentalist Jehovah's Witnesses are not willing to receive blood products under any circumstances, even when it means losing their lives. Their position is so extreme that they are also not willing to receive a transfusion for their underage children, even those not born yet. However, Ecumenist suggests that secondary components of the blood, such as albumin, coagulation factors and immunoglobulins, should be accepted because they naturally cross the placental barrier during pregnancy, so they do not have the same connotation of the primary components and are no longer considered “blood”. Also, Ecumenist are flexible to those members who receive a transfusion against their will or those who have accepted the transfusion and regret of their actions (Besio). Because of ecumenist’s efforts, Jehovah’s Witnesses are allowed to carry a signed and witnessed “Advance Decision Document” listing the blood products and autologous procedures that are, or are not, acceptable to them. Usually, a copy of that document is placed in the patient records (JPAC). Moreover, ecumenist movements have made it possible for Jehovah’s Witness patients to undergo otherwise religiously questionable procedures such as apheresis, hemodialysis, cardiac bypass with non-blood fluids, as well as the use of recombinant products, like erythropoiesis stimulating agents and granulocyte colony stimulating

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