
Jeffersonian Republicans Vs Federalists Essay

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During the presidential terms of Jefferson and Madison, the political parties, the Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans, were placed under confined characteristics with respect to the federal constitution. Jeffersonian Republicans were viewed as strict constructionists distinct from the broad Federalists. The accuracy of these specifics weakens. The Jeffersonian Republicans believed in strong state governments, a weak central government, and a strict connotation of the Constitution. Contrasting, The Federalists` beliefs of a powerful central government with weaker state governments, and a loose interpretation. The division between the Federalists and Republicans dims while Jefferson and Madison are in office. The pure ideals of Republicanism …show more content…

Each party handled the occurrence of this event differently from one another. During the time frame of the purchase, the current president, Jefferson, was offered $15 million by Robert Livingston. Jefferson was taken back by the proffer investment. He was authorized to offer $10 million worth of New Orleans and Florida. In comparison, the Louisiana distribution was a preferred opportunity than his $10 million contribution. Foreshadowing to present day, Jefferson`s vision was to spread to the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. According to the constitution, Jefferson has an arousing problem. He was not fully authorized to purchase the land. Subsequently, a treaty was retrieved by Congress to gain access to Louisiana which contradicts specifics about Jefferson. He wanted a weak central government and strong state governments, but the purchase required the Congress. John Adams spoke of this,“Their principle now is old Federalism, vamped up into something bearing the superficial appearance of republicanism” (Doc F). Jefferson did not desire government having too much power because of increase government spending. “Our country is too large to have all its affairs directed by a single government”, said Jefferson passively (Doc A). During the presidency of Jefferson, Madison, Secretary of State, favored the Louisiana Purchase. Founders of the Jeffersonian Republicans, Madison and Jefferson still supported it. On January 4th, in 1815, States were required two-thirds vote of both houses to allow new states to be admitted to prevent the Louisiana Purchase recurrence (Doc

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