
Jeff Loos Ornament Was Like Crime

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In the text “1908 Adolf Loos: Ornament and crime”, it introduced the Austrian Architect, Adolf Loos’s ideal modern architecture and his thoughts on the evolution of the 20 century. Adolf Loos have said, “It could only benefit us if for a time we were to abandon ornament and concentrate entirely on the erection of buildings that were finely shaped and charming in their sobriety”, it shows that Loos was very against the ornament within the buildings, which also is the center theme though out the whole text.
Adolf loos was super against the ornament in the building, as he said “Ornament was like crime”. He believed that art is erotic, as the text stated “The modern man who tattoos himself is either a criminal or a degenerate.” (p19). This indicates …show more content…

We should make things simple and plain, however, not all ornamentations are a waste. For instance, if two people cook the same food and they all come up with the same taste, but one looks nicer and more organizer that another, which one will you choose to eat. For me, I will pick the nicer one, because beautiful stuffs can give a good feeling. So in this instance, the ornament is important. Even Loos had showed the example of the same product with different ornament, but sale the same price. However, the one with some type ornament have a better chance to be sold out than others. Also, there are many art pieces that recorded the great time of our ancestor’s life, which are the priceless treasure of our lives. If we abandon all the ornament, in the same time we will lose our culture, we will lose the precious ideas that our ancestor gave to us. Therefore, in this instance, I don’t totally agree with Loos that all ornament is crime, because sometimes the ornament enrich our …show more content…

In many Loos’s buildings, the exterior was lack of ornament, but the interior was very designed. He used varied materials to make the building look nice inside and function well. Hence, I thought, Adolf Loos didn’t mean to say that all ornament was unnecessary, he was mean to say that we should give up the superfluous ornament. The ornaments that will be conserve should have some sort of functions or meanings.
Overall, I believed Loos’s was trying to transfer people’s attention from the ornament of building to the function of the building. He wanted to show that ornament is not as important as the function of building itself. I totally agree with his point, but there is always the problem of losing something when people try to change something. At this sense, yes the extra ornaments are a waste, but not all ornament need to be thrown away. So, leave out the useless ornament and focus more on the building itself - the structure, the materials and the

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