
Jeff Fort Research Papers

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Jeff Fort and the Black P. Stone Nation Chicago, IL is a city that is well known for its high violent crime rate. Over the years, gangs such as the Black P. Stone Nation played a huge role in Chicago’s crime. Jeff Fort was the founder of the Black P. Stones, and controlled Chicago’s south side at a very early age. Even though Fort found himself in and out of prison; he was still able to run the gang from the inside. The crimes in Chicago committed by the former Blackstone Rangers now known as El Rukns are so massive, that its legacy has carried on to present day. Jeff Fort was born in 1947 to Anne Bacon (mother) and John Lee Fort (father) in Aberdeen, MS. “His father moved him and his family to the south side of Chicago where he obtained a job at a steel producing factory” (BPSN, n.d., para. 1). Jeff Fort lived in the Woodlawn area of Chicago in an apartment with his 10 siblings. The apartment was located on 66th street and Blackstone Avenue, which is why Fort named his gang Blackstone Rangers. Jeff Fort mother gave him the nickname “Angel“; her term of endearment. Fort ran into many problems while in school which contributed to him …show more content…

Charles Illinois. They then together created the gang Blackstone Rangers to protect themselves on the streets (...); as the Rangers began to absorb other crews they united under the name Black P. Stone Nation (Fort, 2014).” In the beginning, the Rangers only committed petty criminal acts like theft and vandalism; but they also had turf wars that claimed dozens of lives. From 1966 to 1967 Black P. Stone Nation doubled in size. While Bull was arrested on drug charges, "it was governed by a commission of gang leaders known as the "Main 21," with Angel's direction. The gang moved from extorting money from pimps to businesses in Woodlawn that catered to upscale clientele in Hyde Park (Abadinsky, 2010; Chepesiuk,

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