
Jeff Denneen And Tom Dretler: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

The financially sustainable university


The article “The financially sustainable university” by Jeff Denneen and Tom Dretler, speaks about the financial crisis that institutions face and outlines areas of concern that colleges need to focus on to make the change to becoming financially sustainable. Colleges and Universities have been the foundation of economic prosperity and the key to realizing the American dream (Denneen, 2012), however; the increasing tuition rates and student loan debt continues to plague them. There was a time when tuition increases were passed on to the students, however; no longer are students and their families in a position to fund their education as in the years before. These economic factors have made innovation and change necessary to survive (Denneen, 2012).


The article speaks of one of the problems institutions have been operating in which is the “Law of More”. Institutions have adopted “The Law of More” believing the more they build, spend and expand while diversifying the better chances they have at prospering. When in fact just the opposite has occurred (Denneen, 2012). As institutions continue to operate in this …show more content…

Faculty and administration coming together on one accord in support of an agreed upon mission is key to success. The article speaks about how the university of UNC worked together to come up with a classroom space problem they were having trying to accommodate the growing student population. The faculty worked on a schedule and the administration was able to provide funding needed to pay for technology upgrades rather than spending it on a new building, which resulted in saving the university $800,000 (Denneen, 2012). In addition, keeping in mind that each faculty member and administrator must share accountability and understand his or her role in this process or it can ultimately fall

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