
Jean Kilbourne Killing USftly Analysis

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In the beginning God created man and woman, however, this creation has resulted in years of gender inequality. Since the beginning of time, men have had more rights and freedom than women. The two sexes have biological differences, however, these biological differences have somehow resulted in different gender roles and ideals. Gender is a social construct that was created to make society feel comfortable by having order. This social construct is constantly supported through films, media, and even education. Gender inequality will not stop until society stops viewing gender as a social construct and starts viewing the two genders as both human beings.
The Oxford Dictionary defines gender as the state of being male or female. I was born a female. I grew up wearing pink dresses, playing with barbie dolls, and cooking with my easy bake oven. I was taught to sit always sit with my legs crossed and to always act like a lady. Many members of society would agree and say that gender is determined at birth. Sex is determined at birth by biological differences. …show more content…

Throughout the film, Kilbourne shows how women are often shown as objects and not as human beings in ads. In one ad that Kilbourne showed, a woman was shown from the waist down with her pubic hair shaved into the Gucci symbol. Sitting on his knees below her was a young man looking at the gucci symbol--worshipping the gucci symbol. The young woman was no longer considered a human, she was turned into a product, a product for a man to worship. This ad relates to the social construction of gender because women are not considered human beings in the eyes of society. A woman's role in society is to take care of the family, act like a lady, and follow directions. Women who try to break out of the norm are ridiculed over their features and clothings, not over their intelligence. Women are a product of

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