
Jean Jacques Rousseau

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Philosophy 4: Paper Two (Prompt #2) Rousseau believes that even when one votes in the minority they can obey the law and still be free. But, “how can the opposing minority be both free and subject to laws to which they have not consented?” (Rousseau, pg. 153) Rousseau’s response is that citizens must consent to all the laws because “ to inhabit the territory is to submit to the sovereign.”(Rousseau, p.153) In accordance with the social contract, when a citizen votes they should completely surrender their personal interest and vote for what they believe to be the general will. The general will of each individual is considered to be their real will when it comes to social policy. The majority vote will depict the general will, and the …show more content…

He mentions that in a healthy state it will be easy to aim for the common good. The common good of society will seem like common sense. In a healthy society the general will also come much closer to a unanimous decision. In an unhealthy society, how would you discern what the general will is? When society is faced with two combating ideas, how are they to reason which one is better for the sovereign? And after they vote how can they be sure that what the majority voted for was the actual general will. In votes where the answer is not completely clear, or there vote is extremely close, I don’t know if its safe to say that the majority vote is consistent with the general will. In life it seems as though many things can easily be confused or manipulated for a certain cause. For example, say the people must decide between kiwi and watermelon to be endorsed as the state fruit and watermelon is slightly closer to the common good of the sovereign and is liked by more people. Yet, because of some enthusiastic supporters on the side of the kiwi people are being swayed to vote in favor of the kiwi despite their previous knowledge of the many benefits that the watermelon provided that the kiwi did not. In the end even those that were supporters of the watermelon in the beginning switched their vote in order to try and stay in line with what at the time may have been portrayed as the popular vote. Even when the person’s

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