
Jealousy Quotes In Othello

Decent Essays

It is pretty evident that the most obvious theme in Shakespeare’s play, Othello, is jealousy and revenge. Iago is the key character to almost every event that happens throughout the play. Othello has passed him over for a promotion. Instead of choosing his thought to be ‘right hand man’ Othello chose an outsider, Cassio for the second in command job. This left Iago upset with Othello and extremely jealous of Cassio. Iago is well regarded on the battle field and younger, less experienced bloke comes in and takes the promotion he had thought he has in the bag. He also thinks Othello might also have slept with his wife, which is evident in a quote from Iago in Act 1 Scene 3, when he says, "I hate the Moor, and 'tis thought abroad that 'twixt

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