
Jealousy In Ray Bradbury's All Summer In A Day

Satisfactory Essays

In “All Summer in a Day” By Ray Bradbury, the theme “Jealousy” Is evident throughout. “All Summer in a Day” is a dystopian future, the setting on Venus, and unusually, on Venus the Sun only comes out every 7 years, for 2 hours. Ray Bradbury made “All Summer in a Day” A depressing story, because the main character “Margot”, Is the only one out of her classmates who remember what the sun is like, since she came from Earth, and had only moved to Venus 5 years before, so her classmates are jealous because she remembers the Sun. One particular boy, “William”, Gets annoyed of her belief that the sun will come out. “William” and the other children push Margot into a cupboard underground, where she is for over 2 hours. In that time, the Sun comes out,

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