
Jealousy In Othello Analysis

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Is Jealousy not confined to Othello?

Jealousy is not confined to Othello because there are multiple examples in the play that show other characters that portray characteristics of jealousy such as Iago and Roderigo.

It is clear that jealousy is not confined to Othello as he is not the only character in the play that shows jealousy in different ways. In the play, ‘Othello’ written by William Shakespeare in 1603 set in a Venetian society in Venice, Italy. even though Othello did kill his wife and himself Othello’s jealousy overcame him mentally and physically. But there are other characters in the play that show jealousy in different ways much different to how Othello did. One of those characters being Iago due to the fact that Cassio got the promotion and not him and in his jealous rage he wanted to seek out of revenge on Othello by making up false lies about Desdemona sleeping with Cassio. The other character that showed jealousy was Roderigo in which he could not get Desdemona and that Othello got her to fall in love with him instead of Roderigo himself.

In shakespeare's play ‘Othello’ we see a number of characters that show jealousy in the play. One of the characters was Iago. Iago was one of Othello’s loyal friends during war, but later on, we see how Iago’s feelings towards Othello change, due to the fact that Othello picked Cassio as his lieutenant instead of Iago himself. He felt betrayed by Othello, we see this in act 1 scene 1 where Iago claims that he is

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