
Jasper Lawrence's As The Worm Turns

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In this interview titled “As the Worm Turns”, we learn the story of Jasper Lawrence, and his discovery of a symbiotic relationship between hookworms, and the human body while fighting autoimmune disorders and his personal fight with severe asthma and allergies. Jasper Lawrence is a man who suffers from severe allergies and asthma, like many other people in today’s society. Newly wed, and now the owner of 3 new cat, his symptoms are only getting worse. Jasper then decides he wants to start a landscaping business, as he states that he did not want to work for anyone else. As time passes, he finds that his allergy symptoms are starting to take a very serious toll on his body. A deep, barking cough is the first symptom that he mentions, which starts …show more content…

A lot of the times, the body may end up fighting itself, in which we have symptoms of asthma, allergies, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and even Crohn’s disease. To solve this, Jasper contracted a hookworm. Upon looking at these parasites through a microscope, the hookworms have a circular shaped mouth, which is how they burrow up from the hosts feet. Upon entering the host, the hookworm will find itself in the bloodstream, and then into the stomach. Once the parasite reaches the stomach, the organism will start chewing on the insides, to obtain nourishment to survive. Once the hookworm gets inside the gut, the hookworm somehow stimulates the body’s attack cells. And makes not so aggressive toward the body. What scientists have found out is that over thousands of years, is that hookworms have developed in tandem with the body’s immune system. This is known as coevolution. The parasite gets a place to live, and the immune system gets a positive advantage. If the body starts attacking itself in the hookworm’s presence, the parasite keeps the attack cells in check, limiting symptoms of autoimmune

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