
Role Of Feudalism In Ancient Japan

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Emperor – The emperor of Japan was regarded as the spiritual and symbolic head of the country and descended from the Gods. From 1185 onwards, however, the emperor had no real power and his role was mainly ceremonial. He was still seen as the head of state and was expected to officially give the shogun his title and right rule. The emperor lived in the imperial Palace in Kyoto.
Shogun – The shogun was the emperor’s leading general. Between 1185 and 1867, shoguns formed their own governments and controlled Japan. As well as commanding the military, shoguns ran the everyday affairs of the country and were responsible for collecting taxes.
Daimyo – Daimyo were regional landowners allowed to rule provinces in return for providing loyalty and military …show more content…

They wore plain, dark clothes baring a clan crest so they could be easily identified. Male samurai wore two swords denoting their warrior status. Female samurai would also train in martial arts such as archery.
Peasants – Peasants were the largest single group in Japanese society, making up around 80% of the population. Most peasants were farmer, but this group also included woodcutters, fishermen and in workers. Unlike European peasants, peasants in Japan were given a higher rank than merchants and craftspeople, because it was believed that they performed an essential and important role in society – that is, producing food on which everyone depended. Despite this higher status, peasants lived a harsh lifestyle.
Craftspeople and Merchants – Craftspeople were those who made goods and tools, including sword smiths, printers, boat builders and carpenters. Craftspeople received less official respect than peasants because, according to Confucian thought, people could love without the goods they made. Merchants lived by trading and transporting goods, lending money and running shops. They were given little respect because it was considered that they produced nothing useful themselves, only profited from hard work of others. Merchants tended to live in the larger towns and cities and, despite their low status, they could be very

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