
Japanese Guys and Protest

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Introduction Both Tanaka Shozo and Sakura Sogoro believed that protest was any form of expression or objection by words or actions to an event, government policy or situation. Protest happen all over the world. They range from non-violent demonstrations, to full scale riots. Tanaka Shozo and Sakura Sogoro were both pioneers of non-violent communication. They believed that more could be said with words and non-violent acts, than with violence. The history of protest dates back thousands of years, some of the first recorded protest were in Japan. Tanaka Shozo was a prominent Nineteenth Century Japanese politician and the first conservatism in the history of Japan. In his article Meaningful Interpretation, David Larsen states, "Shozo states, “he care of rivers is not a question of rivers, but of the human heart." In one sense, Shozo uses the word care in terms of care for. This is the work of conservation professionals like interpreters, resource managers, law enforcement personal, and others, who care for the resource in tangible ways.” (Larsen, 2012). Shozo suggests that the term care is not exclusive to a place or thing, but also to the human heart. Shozo believes that no one can truly protest unless they can care for the resource or place they are protesting for. Larsen states, “Shozo describes interpretation's desired outcome. Interpreters facilitate connections between the interests of the visitor and the meanings of the resource by providing opportunities

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