
Japanese Culture Vs American Culture Essay

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Traditional Japanese cultural values are influenced by Confucian values and ideology, this held standards determine what is acceptable or unacceptable and thus, define what is expected and respected in Japan (Miles, 2006). Confucian ideology asserts that social order is achieved and maintained through principles developed through human wisdom (Miles, 2006). Furthermore, emphasizes the importance of human relationships; to the Japanese it is important to respect, be faithful, and have consideration for the needs of others (Miles, 2006). Thus the Japanese, appear to follow the platinum rule, which promotes awareness of general and specific differences, implying that one should treat others the way they want to be treated (Johnson, 2017). In order …show more content…

The Japanese prefer belonging to a group, their personal relationships prevail over tasks, for them pursuing personal success is frowned upon (Miles, 2006). Whereas, in America, individuals are individualistic, people take care of their own selves and believe success is attained by their independent work, which is known as the “American dream” (Silver, 2002). Second, in Japan power distance--how power and authority is perceived--is visible through hierarchy, which represents the high power difference in the country. For instance, in Japan the most important aspect is respect for the elderly and dutifulness to seniority (Garcia, 2015). In regards to uncertainty avoidance, which indicates how comfortable people are with risk and ambiguity, the Japanese avoid uncertainty, they attempt to prepare for any situation. Japanese culture is highly ritualized, meaning they have several ceremonies, and each ceremony has a set of rules and proceedings that must be followed (Miles, 2006). Additionally, Japan has the traits of a masculine culture, one that values advancement, assertiveness, and earning and acquiring things (Johnson,

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