
Japan was better prepared for World War II

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After Japanese victories in the First Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War, and World War I, Japanese experience and confidence in military operations began to soar. As early as 1905, Japan had identified the United States as their primary threat and began preparations to win a war against it. Despite Japan’s vast combat experience and military buildup prior to the Pacific War, their prewar preparation was only slightly more robust than the United States and this edge was eaten away by time for three different reasons. First, Japan began the Pacific War with slight technological advantages over the United States and believed they could use higher-quality technology to defeat the quantitative numbers of a larger foe. Second, Japan …show more content…

They believed there would be little need for survivability since the maneuverability would prevent it from being hit in the first place. It also fit perfectly with their problem of scarce raw materials. This design would require significantly less material to build and furthermore would use less fuel to power it and extend its range. “By the eve of the Pacific War, these aircraft constituted, as a group, some of the most advanced aviation technology in the world. For speed and maneuverability, for example, the Zero was matchless; for range and speed few bombers surpassed the Mitsubishi G3M; and, in the Kawanishi H8K, the Japanese navy had the world’s best flying boat.” (Evans and Peattie, p312) As Krepinevich contends in our reading, from 1932-1938 the United States allowed its combat aircraft inventory size to remain unchanged, however, it still maintained a variety of platforms. “Rather than invest scare resources in maintaining a large inventory of rapidly obsolescing planes, the service wisely concentrated on keeping up with technology.” (Krepinevich, p14) Technology was changing at such a rate that the

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