
Jane Goodall 's A New World 's Life And How She Has Impacted On Our Environmental And Scientific World Essay

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Preview/Warning: (Say in a weird voice) Just a precaution you all are about to be in for a very weird couple of minutes. This presentation contains subliminal messages and inside jokes that most of you won 't understand. Be in for a fabulous time.

You 've been warned........ (Make creepy faces and sounds at the screen)

A+C: "Welcome to this documentary of Jane Goodall!"
A: "In this documentary we will be analysing Jane Goodall 's life and how she has impacted on our environmental and scientific world."
C: "So, sit back and enjoy."

SCENE ONE: (Family and early life)✓

C: "I was the eldest child of 2, born to Vanna Morris-Goodall and Mortimer Herbert Morris-Goodall, in London, England, April 3rd 1934. I have younger sister called Judith Goodall."
*Show picture of the family standing outside her house*
A: "My mother was a successful Author, who wrote many novels in her lifetime."
(Zoom in on Jane’s mother)
*Shows old book in Jane’s mothers hand*
C: "My father was a military engineer, stationed in the jungles of Singapore. ( Zoom in on Jane’s father) *Janes father standing to attention in military uniform* He gave Jane a toy Chimpanzee as a gift when I was 1.
(show picture of Jubilee) I named him Jubilee, after a famous chimp at London Zoo."
A: "After primary school, I studied at secretarial high school because her family couldn 't afford to go a College. *Jane answers phone* After I completed my schooling at high school, I then worked for my

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