
Jane Eyre Research Paper

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Throughout the novel Jane Eyre we can see that Jane the main characters creates many relationship while she lives her life. One of the main relationships that she has is the one with St. John Rivers. He is the one that gives her shelter when she runs from Mr. Rochester and forgets her money on the coach. St. John is a minister that’s wants to go on a mission but needs a wife to go with him. The relationship built between St. John and Jane is very important and has a huge impact on Jane.

St. John Rivers is a clergyman who gives Jane shelter after she flees from Thornfield. Jane later finds out that herself and St. John are related as cousins. Although knowing that they are related St. John proposes to Jane but she denies his offer because she is still deeply in love with Mr. Rochester. The relationship between these two cousins is more of a pastoral relationship. St. John is a sincere man that helps a helpless woman in need. There relationship goes on nothing more then just friends and family at the end of the day St. John is the one that helps Jane inherit her fortune that she later then shares with him and his sisters for helping her. …show more content…

John witch makes Jane rejection to marry him even more shocking. He is an evangelist that does everything for god. He is a very attractive man to all the girls not for his physic but for his personality. St. John is a very pure man that does not let his feelings get in between the mission to go to India. Women are attracted to hi because of his personality he is a genuine man that cares and loves a

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