
Jane Eyre Research Paper

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In the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontё, Brontё asserts that even a woman living in the lowest and most demeaning levels of life can rise up to become more. Jane is a girl growing up in a world where a woman cannot truly become independent, she goes through many different experiences and meets people who she will grow to cherish. Jane will prove to everyone soon enough that she is more than anyone ever thought her to be because she will persistently attempt to rise above her station in life. Jane is seen by the world as a “poor orphan who should be grateful for the table scraps she is given by her benefactress”. Jane was seen as, less than a sister, but worse than a lowly servant because she did nothing to eat the food on her plate. As Jane …show more content…

Jane manages to rise above her place as a simple teacher at Lowood, to become a respectable governess and once again rise above being a simple orphan. From becoming a governess, Jane simply kept growing up to the point where she was as brilliant as any noble lady in Edward Rochester's eyes. In our modern world, an education can change your life from a small apartment to a beautiful mansion, which is similar to what happened to Jane. Mr. Rochester believed Jane was more than worthy to have jewels and beautiful garments, he began to think of Jane as a true equal. When Jane had finally risen above who she once was she once again falls, she fell into a state of a lowly beggar. Despite Jane becoming dirt poor, Jane’s mentality did not change, she remained kind and wise. So when Jane finally returns at Mr. Rochester’s side, she is content with her position, she is no longer living a life of complete luxury, but she would live a modest lifestyle. Jane Eyre proves to us that despite being an orphan, or a beggar, you can rise above your past to live a better future, but despite your present you must never forget where you

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