
Jan Van Eyck's Paintings During The Northern Renaissance

Decent Essays


Introduction and Objective

Jan van Eyck painted portraits and religious paintings during the Northern Renaissance. He painted portraits of royalty and other wealthy people. Van Eyck also painted religious paintings for the church. Van Eyck was one of the only Northern Renaissance painters who could read and write. He signed his own paintings with a clever signature. He also wrote lengthy inscriptions on his paintings. Van Eyck’s work is still copied today.

Today's lesson objective is: The student will analyze the works of Jan van Eyck, identify specific materials and techniques utilized within his works, and critically evaluate those works.

Consider the paintings that made Jan Eyck famous. How were they different from other Northern Renaissance paintings? Think about the different types of paintings that Van Eyck did and what made these paintings memorable. Open your digital notebook and describe your learning plan for this lesson. Page from the Très Belles Heures de Notre Dame de Jean de Berry

Instruction, Modeling and Student Activities

[DOK 1: Jan van Eyck’s portraits]

As the official painter, Jan van Eyck was requested …show more content…

His most famous portrait is The Arnolfini Portrait. His most famous religious painting is called The Adoration of the Lamb and it is a panel painting. Van Eyck created different signatures and inscriptions that he wrote on his paintings. This made his paintings more memorable and left no question as to who painted them. Van Eyck’s artwork is

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