
James Madison's Views On War

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According to the history, James Madison, was the president during the World War I in 1812. Madison was the first president to ask the congress to declare war. In the Philadelphia constitutional convention, he wanted to create the three parts of federal government. The executive, legislative and judicial branch. Another idea brought by Madison, was the idea to have a system of checks and balances, in order to prevent the abuse of the power by any group. I think that, his thoughts to prevent abuse of the power, were directly express his feelings to the federalist group. I read in the United States quick civics lesson that checks and balances, stop one branch of government from becoming too powerful.
The most challenged to Madison was the tension between the United State and the Great Britain. Based on the history, I found out that there were already an issued between them, before he was elected president. The seizure of American ships, robberies and imprisonments from the Great Britain and France was unstoppable. The American law does not improve the situation. The situation was terrible, which the American citizens could no longer tolerate or bear anymore. The war was declared from the United State and the …show more content…

From my own point of view, war will not protect the activities of buying of goods and services. Rather, war will destroy the goods and services of the country. War will bring retrogress to the country’s economy. Some people were going to the war to please themselves, especially, war between two congresses where politics and propaganda are common. Others may go to the war out of anger, frustration and destruction. I would say that the reason why Madison was declared war is to have freedom, equal right, equal power and equal taxes from the two republicans. He might not think of consequences or the outcome of the war at that

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