
Jakob Shafferkoetter-My Story

Decent Essays

Jakob Shafferkoetter - My Story It was an early morning. I was taking my normal routine to go to the store. I woke up, got dressed, made myself some breakfast, and headed out. It was a cold morning in Cleveland, but I should’ve expected it, it was December. Ignoring the cold and bitter air, I walked to the bus stop. I waited for a little while for a bus to come. Some buses were already jam packed and I knew I would have to stand since I was a negro, so I just waited for a less crowded bus. After all, I was in no hurry to get anywhere Finally one came. It only had a few passengers, so I boarded it and went to the back of the bus. I got stared at by a few white people, especially the bus driver. But I ignored them all, just kept walking

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