
Jake's Struggle With Autism

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In 1994 my oldest sister, Christina, was born. She was always peculiar and could never understand or read social cues. When she began puberty, these traits intensified. As an adult, we discovered that she had high functioning, level 1, autism. When I first received a job offer to work with Jake, a 10 year-old autistic student, I believed he would be extremely similar to my sister with the same personality traits and struggles. However, to know one autistic individual is just that, knowing one singular autistic individual. My work and observations of Jake have moved me to consider autism in a new light. With so many adversary stereotypes surrounding autism, I was faced with a sweet little boy who merely needed a little extra help, if only the …show more content…

He is passionate, silly, gentle, and quirky; Jake lives his life differently than most in order to accommodate for his differences in communication. Autism can be conceptualized as an individual condition that affects social relationships and communications. Generally, individuals with autism struggle with relationships, have "Awkward" or "odd" mannerisms, and can become obsessed with certain concepts, objects, or people. Relational intelligence is not Jake’s strong suit, no matter how hard he may try. Jake struggles with social communication and interaction, with every person he knows. Within these struggles, Jake does not always feel the things he expresses. Christy, Jake’s mom, has worked incredibly hard to teach Jake socially acceptable responses. For example, Jake has learned that when his mom leaves, it is kind to express love. Within other relationships, Jake is often uncomfortable with eye contact during conversations. Jake often has a hard time forming relationships, as he can get angry quickly and misunderstand other children. His mother reports that often times, when other children are being mean to Jake he perceives their actions as being kind. Additionally, when other children attempt to be kind to Jake, he often understands their actions as mean and lashes out at them. He also faces difficulties due to his interests. Jake becomes obsessed with very particular things, like a character in a video …show more content…

Jake cannot be defined by his autism, as he continues to exceed expectations and cultural stereotypes. Jake is not alone in his fight against cultural stereotypes and expectations of autism. As the world meets and truly knows more individuals like Jake, their perception of autism will change- just as mine has. "[autism] continually eludes our definitions, expectations, and treatments, but also because it offers a chance for us to glimpse an awe-filled vision of the world that might otherwise pass us by" (Zimbleman). While Jake may struggle to meet societal social norms, he is creative and firey. May the world never diminish his love of learning and life. Truly, Jake will show the world that autism, despite its flaws, claims some of the most loving, gentle, and creative

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