
Jacob Price Informative Speech

Decent Essays

Jacob Price Informative Speech Outline

Topic: Overweight and Obesity in the United States

Opening with Impact: “ I want everybody to put up ten fingers. This represents the United States population ages twenty and up. Now everybody put down 3 fingers. That leaves you with seven fingers. This represents how many people ages 20 and over are overweight or obese. Seven out of every ten adults are overweight or obese according to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” Statistic Slide after my opening to capture the audience.

Speaker Credibility: Statistic Slide: “ To put this into perspective, out of the 60,000 plus students that attend the University of Central Florida, over 41,000 of those are obese or overweight. This is nearly enough …show more content…

To give the audience a better idea of how large this ratio is, I used the population of UCF as well as Bright House Stadium which the audience can understand due to being a UCF student.

Preview of Main Points:
What obesity and being overweight means
How to prevent being obese and overweight
Health affects of being obese and overweight

4 Transitions I am using 4 transitions with signposts and verbal transitions with each main point.
“I have just informed you of my 3 main points and now i will move into greater detail of my first point, what it means to be obese and overweight.”
“Now that you know what it means to be obese and overweight, i will now move on to my second point, the health affects of being overweight and obese”
“ After learning the health affects of being obese and overweight, i will now move on to my final topic; prevention of obesity and being overweight.”
“Now that you have a better understanding of being obese and overweight, i want you to leave this class knowing a few points..”

Body and Supporting Material: Main points, sub-points displaying facts from research:
Meanings of obesity and being

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