Over the course of the series I have been following the main character Jacob Portman. I also have taken notes about character development. I have been paying attention to character attributes, interactions, and perceptions. Character attributes are describing the main character like the gender, emotions, physical, personality, and stuff like that. Character interactions are interactions with the environment, themselves, and others. Character perceptions are perceptions with others, themselves, and with the setting/environment. I have taken notes about all of these things and how the character involved throughout the course of the
Analyze characters settings, events, and ideas as they develop and interact within a particular context
The author did a good job of drawing personalities to different characters by the way and sometimes shocking things they would each carry. A good example of this would be the character Ted Lavendar, in " The things they carried". The intensity of war was too much for him and he used some kind of drugs and get dope to carry the things done. The reader can imagine his rattled nerves and mental state. As we can see in the story “ Ted levander, who was scared, carried tranquilizers until he was shot..” ( O'Brien). Also in “ A&P” we can perceive a drastic change in the personality when the main character saw the girls in that sexy bath suits. He was to be quiet doing his work, to be hypnotized and to change his attitude towards his boss negatively quitting his job thanks to the beauty of the girl as he said in the story: “ yes i quit” ( Updike).
These character actions and interactions allow the reader to understand the motives of every character; young adult readers, who are only now beginning to understand the complexities of social interaction, can see from all sides the facets of these
What are the characters’ emotions, attitudes, and behaviors? What do these indicate to the reader about the character?
characters are in many ways divergent, and it is in fact these traits that reveal the most about
Throughout the book I felt connected to one character, that character was George. George and I share similar qualities and our lifestyles can relate. One major characteristic I found in George is his ability
This will go over the character, the time, and the setting in the book, helping to show and understand the theme because the author can convey plot points and themed information better through the components of the book themselves, rather than outright stating it in the book.
You can only see characters’ underlying essence when you strip away the busyness, and then some surprising connections
• What are the characters’ emotions, attitudes, and behaviors? What do these indicate to the reader about the character?
The first character that I feel most represents this for a start, is Cliff. I feel the eccentricity of his personality prohibits him from being happy with the kind of love he has in the relationship with his wife and I feel this is the main reason for the distance between the two characters. Cliff finds happiness in other ways by taking his niece to midafternoon movies and engulfing himself into his documentary work. Cliff is always questioning the intentions behind an action. For example, when he is walking out of the theater with his niece; he turns to her and gives her a simple yet profound piece of advice about teachers. He tells her not to listen to, not to pay attention anything they say, but just to study the way they look like because this is the way for her to see how life is really going to be like. Cliff also question’s the motives of his wife’s brother, Lester. This could be because he is successful and he got this success through unconventional ways that Cliff doesn’t agree with, but I feel deep down inside that Cliff is envious of Lester’s success. Cliff is always questioning and I know that we do not need to mention Aristotle, but he can be seen as thinking on this level, always questioning a motive, never accepting an answer and
That sets how the tone takes a part with the plot. The enhanced within the characters shows how in each chapter that every single one is unsure of the where about with the spooky island there all heading to but have flashbacks on their past or gives hints that the reader can pick up on to figure out what each one of them is really about. The enhanced on the conflict with this novel there is many because each character had their own personal conflicts and most of them had to deal with a lot of guilt from the murders of each past.
What events in the text you read revealed important aspects of a character’s personality? What personality traits were revealed? Use at least three specific examples directly form the text to back up what you say.
All of these main characters shared a lot of common attributes. The first and most important attribute was trying to overcome multiple
As a child, Jacob Portman loved to listen to his grandfather Abraham’s stories about his life in wars, his performances in circuses, and his life in a supposedly peculiar children's home run by a wise old hawk who smoked a pipe. As he grew older, though, he began to doubt his grandfather’s stories, until one day he went to visit his grandfather, and instead found him dying in the woods near his home. His dying grandfather tells him to go to the old children’s home and to “‘Find the bird. In the loop. On the other side of the old man’s grave…’” (page 37). Jacob feels something watching him, and raises his flashlight to reveal a beast that seemed to have been translated directly from his childhood nightmares. After his grandfather’s death, no one seems to believe Jacob’s story and his parents decide to send him to a psychiatrist, named Dr. Golan. Dr. Golan believes it would be best for Jacob to do as his late grandfather said and to visit the old children's’ home. Jacob and his father decide to go to the island, but later Jacob finds the house long deserted, covered in vines and trees.
Character Analysis: Give your ideas about the main characters(s). Include what you like and dislike about the characters and why they deserve praise or criticism. Does the author intend for you to like/dislike them? How do you know?