
Jackson Resilience

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Determination of the. Hard work and a lot of fun. Resilience. The. These are the three things that are explained in Christopher Klein's text "The First Great American Road Trip," which describes the cross-country journey of Dr. Horatio Nelson Jackson. The author's attitude towards Dr. Jackson is encouraging, and it influences his portrayal of Dr. Jackson by showing the determination of Jackson, the resilience of Jackson during his hardships, and the support of other people. In the text "The First Great American Road Trip" by Christopher Klein, the first way the author's attitude towards Dr. Jackson shapes his portrayal of Dr. Jackson by showing the determination of Dr. Jackson. Starting off, the author states that Dr. Jackson and his "Passepartout," …show more content…

In addition, the author claims that through all of the hardships Jackson faced, "Jackson somehow maintained his optimism...." Throughout all of the things that people go through, people are determined to finish a set task or obtain a goal. The determination of Dr. Jackson helps to exemplify the author's portrayal of Jackson, and how his attitude contributed to it. Another way the author's attitude displays his portrayal of Jackson is by displaying Jackson's hardships that he faced, along with his resilience. During the text "The First Great American Road Trip" by Christopher Klein, the second way the author's portrayal of Dr. Jackson is formed by his attitude is by describing all of the hardships Jackson faced, and his resilience through them. In the beginning, the author explains that after Jackson and Crocker were left stranded in the Oregon desert for eight hours, a cowpoke towed the disabled Winton with his horse. Also, the author adds that "[l]uck did not seem to be on the motorists' side." because "[a]fter a leak left their gas tank nearly empty, Crocker set off on a 26-mile bicycle ride to the nearest town. A bike tire punctured, however, and forced Crocker to walk most of the way back with the

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