
Jackie Robinson Childhood

Decent Essays

Jackie Robinson was the first black man to ever play in an all white professional baseball league and he ended up becoming one of the greatest baseball players of all time. Jackie Robinson was born on January 31, 1919, in Cairo, Georgia. When Jackie was only six months old his father left him and his mother was left single with five children, Jackie being the youngest (Robinson 1,2). When Jackie was one his mother moved his family to Pasadena, California (Robinson 4). Jackie Robinson was tormented throughout his career for being African American yet he persevered through it breaking the color barrier in sports making him one of the most beloved baseball players of all time.

Jackie Robinson had a very difficult childhood. When he was …show more content…

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor Jackie was drafted into the army and was sent to Fort Riley, Kansas for basic training in a cavalry unit (Robinson 13). During Jackie’s time in the army he was arrested for refusing to move to the back of a segregated bus. Jackie was able to get an honorable discharge from the army and was released from prison shortly after the incident( After his service in the army Jackie played in a negro baseball league. Shortly after that he was drafted by the Brooklyn Dodgers and was set to play for their farm team the Montreal Royals. About a year after this occurrence Jackie’s contract was purchased by the Dodgers and he was set to be the first black man to play in an all white league. This news was announced at a press conference when a Brooklyn Dodger representative stated “Brooklyn announces the purchase of the contract of Jack Roosevelt Robinson from Montreal” this momentous event in Jackie's life happened on Friday, April 11, 1947. Then on April 15 Jackie played his first game for the Dodgers and faced tremendous racism. Jackie ended up winning the rookie of the year title meaning he was the most productive player playing in their first year in the Major League. Throughout his rookie year Jackie faced a lot of racism, but he always had one man on his side, Branch Rickey. Mr. Rickey was always there to help Jackie through the racism and was the man with the idea of …show more content…

In 1949 he won National League MVP meaning he was the most valuable player in the league. Then in 1955 he won the World Series. Then soon after being traded from the Dodgers Jackie retired in 1957. Throughout his whole career Jackie continued to endure tremendous racism but with help of Branch Rickey and the growing support

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