
Jack The Ripper: The Whitechapel Murder

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One of the most biggest mysteries that still confuses and that still has not been answered is the murders of Jack the Ripper. Jack the Ripper is a nameless, faceless murderer with no identity and still to this day people do not really know who Jack the Ripper really is. They got the name “Jack the Ripper” from someone claiming to be the killer by calling himself “Jack the Ripper” in a letter that was sent to the public, but it was proven to be a hoax and the one who sent the letter was not the killer he claimed to be. Many people believed it was actually journalists trying to make the murders gain more popularity. Jack the Ripper was also called many other names, he was also called “The Whitechapel Murder” since all of his murders happened …show more content…

Jack the Ripper was known for the gruesome deaths of five women( Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, and Mary Jane Kelly). These five victims were known as the Canonical Five. The reason the police thought that these five women were the only victims killed by Jack the Ripper out of the eleven murders that happened in Whitechapel, London is because the canonical five’s throats were all slashed and their abdomens were sliced open. Whitechapel, London was in poverty at the time, which explains all of the violence, murders, and robberies. But these murders still shocked the people of Whitechapel, …show more content…

He was born in 1838 and grew up in Liverpool and also grew up in the cotton trading business. He worked in London when he was younger in a shipbroking office but went back to working in the cotton trading business when returned to live in Liverpool again. When he returned to Liverpool he married a young woman named Florence Chandler who he had two children with. But James Maybrick was a troubled man and he most of the time cheated on his wife with a bunch of mistresses. After his found out about his unfaithfulness to her she decided to get revenge by having an affair with another another named, Alfred Brierley. What I believe happened was that James Maybrick found out about what his wife doing to get back at him and it fueled him with rage and a hate for women, so whenever he was angry about what she did, he go on a killing spree. There was a diary that was found decades after Jack the Ripper stopped killing, and in the diary there was no author named inside it but it was written by Jack the Ripper. And in this diary it is written how the murders happened in detail and also the motive behind it all. Even though there is no author named, details and clues point at James Maybrick. The other piece of evidence is an old pocket watch from the Victorian era. Engraved on the back of the pocket watch it says “I am Jack”, J.Maybrick”, and it also had engraved initials of all of the

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