Jack the Ripper was a vicious serial killer from London who killed 5 prostitutes in 1888. He was never found and to this day no one knows for sure who the killer is, and what where his motives. It is hard to be sure of all the answers considering he committed them so long ago. There are now many theories of the man behind the name expressed through movies, books, and short films. Jack the Ripper committed the murders the way he did because he held a grudge against women, and he felt they deserved it. Jack the Ripper, more than likely, held a grudge against all women. All of Jack the Rippers victims were female which must be because of a reason. Most of them were prostitutes which made them an easier target. James Maybrick is one of many of the people suspected for the murders. In the book, The Crimes of Jack the Ripper by Paul Roland, Roland writes, “…James Maybrick, a wealthy Liverpudlian cotton merchant and the previous battle crease, who was poisoned by his wife Florence in May 1889.” (Roland 107). James Maybrick caught his wife cheating on him multiple times. With this information it is easy to suspect that he is the murderer. It makes sense that he would kill girls while having intercourse to get back at his wife. He was angry at her at cheating so he took it out on all women (Biography.com Editors). The way he would kill his victims shows that he felt very strong feelings towards them. He would not have been so harsh if he was not so angry at them or held a grudge
Maybe it’s the mystery of not knowing who he was or just morbid curiosity, but people wanna know what happened. Jack the Ripper’s signature was the extensive hacking and mutilation of his victims’ bodies. He was smart; he avoided detection of police, even when they doubled patrol. He killed swiftly and there were no signs of sexual assault or torture before death. The psychological profiles says that he would be perceived as being quiet, a loner, shy, slightly withdrawn, obedient, and have a neat and orderly appearance. He was a “lust” killer. England had rarely seen killers like him before. This was a new level of a sociopath and their sadistic thinking. This is why for 120 years we are still trying to figure out who Jack was. He created one of the first media frenzies with millions of copies of newspapers being printed everyday to inform the public. There are websites,books, movies, museums, video games, and souvenirs all dedicated to Jack the Ripper today. People that are experts of The Ripper killings are known as ripperologists. Their main objective is trying to identify who Jack was. Who knows if we'll ever actually find out Jack the Ripper’s true
To this day, Jack the Ripper is still infamously recognised as the brutal murderer of at least 5 victims. With such great attention by the media, he was able to cause a dramatic fright to the civilians and have his name voiced throughout Victorian England. Even today, many scholars are seduced by the prospect of uncovering identity of the man behind one of the most infamous whodunits in history.
As more than 500 individuals have come forward as Jack the Ripper or put forward by professional historians. One of the most famous suspect in the case was Aaron Kosminski. A leading investigator and writer, Melville Macnaghten, described Kosminski in his memoranda as, “a Polish Jew, & resident in Whitechapel…. He had a great hatred of women, especially of the prostitute class, & had strong homicidal tendencies”
Jack the ripper the notorious and legendary London murderer started his reign of terror in the August of 1888. Jack the ripper is a fairly difficult character to find proper information on (regrettably noted) however his murders are not. It is speculated that he killed more than five people but the Canonical five are a definite. All of them where prostitutes from the Whitechapel area of London; a poor and deteriorating side of town. The first of these murders was Mary Nichols she was murdered on August 31st 1888 (www.jack the ripper.org). The murders that happened after followed in this order. Annie Chapman was the second of the five main victims she was murdered on September 8th 1888(www.jack the ripper.org). The third and fourth victims shared the same day of death with a peculiar twist. Jack the Ripper was known to deface and mutilate all the bodies in which he slayed, Elizabeth Stride the third victim was wholly intact(www.bbc.co.uk/history). Both Elizabeth Stride and Catherine Eddowes died on the same day September 30th 1888(www.jack the ripper.org). The final victim to be famously associated with the case of Jack the Ripper was Mary Kelly who was killed on November 9th 1888. All of the victims were more than likely unaware of their fates beforehand, he typically knocked them out before he would kill and maim them. Jack the Ripper's scenes in which he left the corpses were calculated, he was informed and educated on how it is he done what he did. It was believed at the time that he was potentially a doctor or a butcher due to the tools needed to do what was done to the bodies. In addition to this the cuts left on the body showed that the killer had knowledge of the human anatomy and the way it worked. He usually always started the
Jack the Ripper was an infamous name given to an unidentified serial killer believed to have been active in the Whitechapel district in the East End of London in 1888. Between August and November in 1888, Jack the Ripper brutally murdered five women. He was never captured, and remains one of England’s most notorious criminals. The first murder, of Mary Ann Nichols, took place on the 31 of August.
According to Cristina Sanza, a letter that claims to have been written by the Ripper states that the killer planned to cut the ears off of his next victim. A day after the news agency received the letter, Catherine Eddowes was killed and both of her ears had been cut off. The Ripper’s letter was not published until after Eddowes’ death; therefore, the Ripper must have been the author of the letter. Sanza announced that Jeff Mudgett had a handwriting analysis expert compare the letter and Holmes’ diary and he reached the conclusion that the letter and diary were written by the same person. Sanza stated that “just to be safe, Mudgett sent the sample to a computer analysis who insisted there was a 97.95 percent chance that Holmes wrote the
Jack the Ripper was a serial killer in the United Kingdom in 1888. Why is Jack the Ripper so famous? He was essentially a media star. He is believed to only have 11 victims but, the media is what made him famous throughout England. “All of his victims were alcoholics who turned to prostitution,” says Thomas K. Grose from Time Magazine. Also, the area where Jack the Ripper killed all his victims was well known. It was known as a “hotbed of vice and villainy, and a breeding ground for social unrest.” Jack the Ripper was never found and over the course of these many years there have been hundreds of suspects but nobody has been brought to justice.
Despite the fact that no-one was ever brought to justice or charged with the murders, there have been more than a hundred named suspects who may or may not have been Jack the Ripper. Aaron Kosminski, Thomas Cutbush and Montague Druitt are some of the interesting suspects, whereas Prince Albert Edward Victor, the Freemasons, and Lewis Carroll are some of the ridiculous
Jack the ripper was a name that sperd throughout London. The name belonged to a phsoco ceareal killer, who killed for a living. There might be a connection between the people he killed, they were killed within the same year, and whithin the same area. This could be the connection we were looking for. Nobody knows If this case will ever be revistited.
There have been many conspiracies on who jack the ripper really was, but the case still lies cold. There were five suspects and one that fits the profile best. That is Montague John Druit: he had a strange sexual need, he was the top suspect for the investigators at the time of the crimes, and before all the killings began Druit has a reasonable cause for wanting to kill. We will evaluate all these points and get to know who jack the ripper really was.
The history of Jack the Ripper is mysterious. The main reason why is because nobody could or can find out who Jack the Ripper really was. He was a figure that came out from the shadows for only a couple of months, brutally murdered 5 women and then disappeared never to be seen again. All anyone oils tell about Jack was that this figure had to have known about the human anatomy to make these murders so brutal and give everyone the idea that this person had a severe hatred for other people.
The Whitechapel Murders and those of Jack the Ripper are not generally one and the same. Over a period of three years towards the end of the nineteenth century a number of prostitutes were murdered under different circumstances the murder of prostitutes was not an especially unique occurrence during those times but several of the murders drew particular attention on account of the savagery with which the victim's bodies were mutilated. Within the Whitechapel Murders was a cluster of murders that demonstrated sufficient similarities as to suggest that they were committed by the same person. One of the first instances of serial murder was thus identified and sensationalised in the media as the work of Jack the Ripper', nicknamed on the
she could make out when it was dark and from far away, so it seems
Jack the Ripper was one of the most famous and renowned killers in history. Even though he was not the first serial killer, he was the first killer to strike on a metropolis setting. Jack the Ripper was in his prime at a time when the media had a strong control over society and society as a whole was becoming much more literate. Jack started his killing campaign at a time of political controversy between the liberals and social reformers along with the Irish Home rule partisans. The reports of Jack the Ripper were collected and reported by the police, but then the different newspapers with their political influences slightly distorted the stories to give them their own effect. It has been more the one hundred years since the last murder
Jack the Ripper was said to be the first serial killer in the modern sense. In the article “The Hunt for Jack the Ripper,” William D. Rubinstein’s main idea is to explain and examined some of the murder victims, and possible suspects for Jack the Ripper. Rubinstein goes into great detail to try and define who the ripper actually was, but this is still an unsolved mystery in history. Rubinstein’s main ideas are the different possibilities for Jack the Ripper; however there was one person in particular that people believed was the Ripper for over twenty years. Another main part of this article was discussing victims of Jack the