
Jack Blossom Creative Writing

Decent Essays

Far off in a meadow, on a warm day in May, a very special, little cottontail was born. One look at him and his mother, Blossom, knew right away, that he was extra special. Even though she thought him perfect in every way. He didn't look like any of the cottontails she had ever seen before.

Hmmmm....All of the other new cottontails I've seen have been pink and wrinkly. And they've had barely any fur, she thought. I've never seen one of such a light color before, either, she thought even harder.

From the tips of his ears down to his toes, Blossom's new, little bunny had a coat of soft, fluffy fur. And it wasn't at all like the other cottontails. Theirs was short. And it was gray and brown and white.

But Blossom's new, little bunny's fur was almost white. It was beige. Almost like the patches on the other cottontails chests.

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She licked him and pressed herself against him. She could feel his heart beating, as she listened to him breathing. And, she could not imagine ever loving anything more.

While they rested quietly, she tried again to think of a name for him. Still, no name seemed right. "Every little bunny needs a name," she whispered to him. And, she hoped she would think of the perfect name for him soon.

Then the warm, golden sun started beaming over her. That let her know that it was noon and time for her to go out. Thinking of leaving her little bunny made her tremble and her heart ache.

But, she knew that it was something that she had to do. And that she had to be brave.

She peaked out of her nest and looked this way and that. And she saw no danger. She wiggled her tiny, pink nose and sniffed and smelled no danger. Very slowly, she crawled out into the meadow. And she sensed no danger.

Trying to stay calm, she hopped over to the brook and got a drink. Quickly, she drank and drank. And, the cold water felt wonderful on her

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