
J. Mccloskey's Article 'On Being An Atheist'

Decent Essays

On Being an Atheist
In 1968, H.J. McCloskey, an Australian Philosopher wrote an article titled “On Being an Atheist” which is an attempt for his personal reasons to reject the belief in God. In the article McCloskey criticizes against the theistic proofs, which are cosmological argument and the teleological argument. Majority of the article is focused on the evil issues and catastrophic events to innocent people in a world that is supposedly designed by an omnipotent and loving God, which McCloskey believes is a valid case in his arguments against cosmological and teleological arguments as well as his assertions that evil is proof against God’s existence. But, it still remains that the most reasonable explanation for the creator of the universe …show more content…

The issue that is unjustifiable in McCloskey’s argument as proofs is he dismisses the favor of God’s existence when the standard of “one hundred percent certainty is not reached” (Forman,2012). Instead of centering one focus on proving God’s existence, you must seek an accumulative case approach to explain the best case to God’s existence, which is streams of evidence to develop a strong case (Forman,2012). Proof and certainty are not always a reliable possibility, especially when it comes to our senses or scientific beliefs (Forman,2012). According to Evans and Manis “the failure to produce a proof of God’s existence does not necessarily mean that no one has any justified beliefs about God” (Evans & Manis, 2009, p. 61). The cosmological and teleological argument provides substantial amount of expositions for God existence meanwhile McCloskey’s arguments contradict themselves on the standard of proof that he …show more content…

According to Craig (2008) he indicated that both man and universe is doomed to death if God does not exist. Ultimately this mean that all human beings would have no purpose or significance, and honestly what is so comforting about not have any value? “If God does not exist, then all we are left with is despair” (Craig, 2008, p.77). Theism is directed towards a purpose-filled and happy life with value were as the worldview of an atheist does not. This brings a comparison of comfort and purpose in the world of God’s existence since the atheist is forced to reason this argument, which makes a valid case that McCloskey argument isn’t valid anymore (Craig,2008). It’s hard to believe that one can find comfort without an existence of God because without God’s existence life would be without significance and value (Craig,2008,

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