
Essay about I’ve Got to Habit

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I’ve Got to Habit
Overcoming bad habits or creating new ones is easier than one might think. Quality of life can be compromised by behaviors such as procrastination and reluctance to change. There are people who believe they are set in their ways or who resist change by denying there is any need for it. Those are simply cop-outs. Habits are broken by the same method they are created. When individuals begin tackling a few stubborn habits and creating a few more desirable habits, life can become more enjoyable and worthwhile. It is important to distinguish behaviors from habits and habits from addictions. As defined in the New Oxford American Dictionary, behaviors pertain to the way in which one acts or behaves. When a behavior is …show more content…

They’ll have excuse after excuse or real interruptions that detour the mission at hand. On this list are usually a couple of things with real significance that deep down they suspect they’ll never accomplish. It is as if their conscience is peering back as if to say, “remember me or I know this will get done,” when in actuality it is a form of denial. It is likely they have put such things on the list to short-cut the truth. The truth is it only sent a subliminal message to the procrastinator’s unconscious mind; something like, ‘good intentions qualify as long as they’re on this list.’ Funny thing is usually one of the things on the list could have been done in the time it took to make the list. Procrastination is a behavior that must be addressed for smooth transitioning during the process of creating healthier habits. Researchers have suggested that inhibitions and good intentions can hinder or assist in the breaking of or creating a habit. Thus, although inhibition may be crucial, no research has yet been done on the role of inhibition in the context of pre-existing habits. However, understanding the cognitive mechanisms involved in successful implementation of intentions is highly relevant, and particularly so in the domain of health behavior, where people often try to change their habits by means of conscious intentions. The present study, therefore, was designed to examine how intentions can lead to the

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